
Joined: May 27, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 303151
Gender: F
Music is my life, the lyrics express my true self... <3
About this girly
Heeeyy :)
I'm Jasmine, and I guess I do try to follow my dreams.. Haha. I love music, dancing and food. Dance and music are my life without them I would have struggled through some pretty tough situations... I like to think of myself as a happy, friendly, smiley kinda person and I'm willing to listen to anyone if they need me! I write quotes to express, not to impress. Remember that cause I'm sick of bitches judging me, it doesn't affect me it just shows me what a pathetic motherfucker you are... Haters gonna hate, Potatoes gonna potate! :)

Stay Beautiful! :3

Quotes by justatypicalteen