
Joined: November 20, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 134872

Quotes by kasey9358

heeey everyone(:

I  know  t hat  t here's  t ons  and  t ons  of  t hese

quotes,  but  i  t hink  t hat  t hey're  a  great  idea  and

wha t 's  bett er  t han inspira t i on from your wi t t y

gi r ls?!  I real ly want to l ose  a  few  pounds  before  I

go  on vaca t i on, so, here it goes...

for every fave I get, i' l l   do 20 crunches

for every comment, i' l l  walk a mile after school  or

do  some  o t h er  f o rm of  exercise 

(depending on t he weat her) 

t hank you so much everyone ahead of  t i me, i 'l l

de f i ni t e ly update you on my progress!




Format: twilightgirl995

I never really got why we're here.

Just look at all we build in our lives,
and we all disappear
A few of us are born with so much
while most of us are just chasing down a dream that we
just can't touch.
So why do we try so hard in this place?
When pain and suffering is a guarantee
and happiness is a phase... .....


Format: twilightgirl995


Do I want a top quote? Yes.

HOWEVER, that does not mean that I will ever

stoop down to the idiotic level of asking for


for my sick/dying parent, friend, dog, cat and/or


I will also not ask for faves to help save my

friend or myself from self harm.

Top quotes shouldn't be quotes that ask for

faves or use fake scenarios to get attention.

They should be the quotes that truly express

what the person is feeling. Top quotes should

be the ones that people can relate to the most.

So, can we PLEASE try to earn legitimate top

quotes and save some room for  the people



deserve the spots?


Format by Sandrasaurus

I just want to find myself  again,
that's all...


format by n0stalgia. do not remove credit.

Starships are meant to fly,
hands up, and touch the sky.
 can't stop, 'cause we're so high
 hands up. 

format by n0stalgia. do not remove credit.

the worst feeling in the world:
stepping in a puddle while wearing socks


sometimes I wonder if my beating heart has a reason, the thought of breathing only takes my breath away;
I was never meant to walk this road alone...

format by: idance.

I hate feeling like i'm
 spinning in circles..

and I really h a t e not knowing how to  s t o p.


Fake friends are just
l i k e s h a d o w s ;

they're only with you on the sunny days.

Theworst feelingintheworld
is realizing you don't even know who you are anymore...
