
Joined: August 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 207031

katelyn23's Favorite Quotes

I v e     a l w a y s      w a n t e d      a    .  .  .
        Top Quote So Here It Goes ..... [erhem..]

WaterMelons :)
When you lose someone,
someone you love, when they break your heart. It's the hardest thing you could ever go through. No matter how much time has passed, it never really goes away. You may think you're getting better, but then you get a flashback or hear a song that reminds you of it, and it hits you, all over again, all at once, like a stab in the chest. You fall apart for the hundredth time. You feel like going to sleep but you never want to wake up. You love this person with all of your heart, even though you know you shouldn't. They hurt you worse than you've ever been hurt before. They stole your happiness. But yet, you still want them, and only them. Other people may come along and give you chances to move on, but you can't. You're still terrified. Terrified of getting hurt again. But none of that matters, because you can never move on from your first love anyway. You don't want to miss them anymore. You don't want to love them anymore, but you know you always will. 

So lost
i still repeat everything you said to me in my head...

I'm a 16 year old boy in high school.

My secret? I can't differentiate between a hot girl and a unattractive girl by their looks.

Honestly, they all look they same.

What makes me love girls is how they laugh.

And I have yet to hear an ugly laugh.

-Six Billion Secrets
I think I am going to tell him I like him today.
----------->wish me luck...

Have you ever laid on your bed at night & just cried ? Cried because your ugly. Because your not good enough. You Counted All your Flaws from head to toe to punish & feel worse about yourself. Cried because the comments people blurt out actually hurt your feelings. Cried Because your family is dysfunctional, but your just a kid who cant do nothing about it. They tell you to stop complaining because you have it much better than kids in Africa. You dont want to be Burden so you bottle it all up around people. Your the happiest ray of sunshine but nobody knows that at night when your alone , you break down & cry . <|3

Click the [♥]
if, you're missing someone,you have tempted suicide, you have cut, you have had depression, you love him, you're trying hard not to give up, you're proud of who you are...

When I met you...
My heart skipped a beat,
The sun became the moon,
& cold turned into heat,
Roses werent red,
Violets werent blue..
All because i fell in love with you♥

Why are so many people saying Wittys dull now?
Think about it.
Girls on here always talk about wanting a guy who likes their personality and not just looks.
By complaining about Witty being "dull," you are being JUST like guys who just want looks.
Look at the content of quotes on here.
Not the beauty.