
Status: just want sex ngl
Joined: February 6, 2010
Last Seen: 7 years
Birthday: May 21
user id: 100531
Location: The Edge.
Gender: F
Gemini - 18 - AppState

Quotes by cvnt*

Of youre wondering where ive been, i went on vacation and there i met a guy who is 18 but he has a girlfriend and i was very into him and he was into me. the last night, he said he couldnt date me. not that he couldnt kiss me and not that nothing could happen. he cant /date/ me bc it would hurt his girlfriend and then the rest of the night we spent (actually, we spent all that day and the entire cruise together) with my best friend, which was usual. we just talked and talked about anything and everything, personal and universal, you name it. We had to leave at midnight, and when my best friend walked away he hugged me, and his last words to me were, "please don't commit suicide" and it just was powerful and i dont really /feel/ anymore but ive known him for five days and he already gives me butterflies and my main wish rn is to meet him again and not be drowned in missed opportunities.
it just makes me sad bc when sam & dean hunt in the later seasons they dont line hotel rooms w news papers and dear god they dont do all dat cool s h i t like salt guns and like s2 was hilarious bc they constantly escaped prison and they were insane but hilarious and happy and like they were so genius when they escaped the bank robbery and when they got locked in prison and dean told the cop the truth as to why he digs up grave and thEY NEVER DIG GRAVE ANYMORE and just like ugh i miss early seasons and early cas and early destiel and early gay i miss it all
did u rlly survive the hiatus if u didnt tune in until 2013 did u rlly
& T H E  R E C O R D  W O N ' T  S T O P  S K I P P I N G
& the lies just won't stop slipping +/////////////+
& BesiDes mY RePuTaTion's on THe Line}
We can fake it for the airwaves; force our smiles, baby, [HALF-DEAD]
 --->From comparing myself to everyone else around me
  PLEASE [x] PUT [x] THE [x] DOCTOR [x] ON [x] THE [x] PHONE
 +  ' C a u s e  I ' m  n o t  m a k i n g  { { a n y  s e n s e } }  +
Blame everyone but me for this mess/////////

I ' V E  G O T  T R O U B L E D  T H O U G H T S
/////////////& the self esteem to match

{{{wHaT a caTcH}}}

I am wishful
dreaming of
to college
to travel
to bands
to changing
the future
and the world
which surrounds me

This burning passion
consumes me
ready to be shown
to everyone who lives

"They need it now!"
my heart screams
we do, we do, we do
we need change
and new ideas
and new ways of thinking

It's locked inside us all
ready to come out
the new eyes
through which we should see
our home and life
unlock it
and create the good
that we need
You need to know me
I'm a pillow screamer
constant planner
organizer, OCD
A break in your back
holding you down
never letting go
I am a burden
in a fetal position
surrounded by
salty tears
held by
shaky hands
not putting myself
I am a scarred heart
needing love
unable to give any
begging for patience
and none of my own
A natural-born
to the umpteenth deegree
I am nothing
empty and hollow
waiting to be whole
reclusive and scared
hating touch, tenderness
I am never changing
and you don't want
to truly see that
open side of me

i am veRY saD.
You're {{supposed}} to make it better.

have you ever...?
bold the ones you've done

-graduated high school
-smoked a cigarette
-gotten so drunk you passed out
-rode every ride at an amusement park
-collected something really stupid
-gone to a rock concert
-helped someone
-gone fishing
-watched four movies in one night
-gone long periods of time without sleep

-snorted cocaine
-failed a class
-smoked weed
-dealt drugs

-been in a car accident
-been in a tornado
-done hard drugs
-watched someone die
-been to a funeral
-burned yourself

-ran a marathon
-cried yourself to sleep
-spent $200+ dollars in one day

-flown on an aeroplane
-cheated on someone
-been cheated on
-written a ten page letter
-gone skiing
-been sailing
-cut yourself by accident
-cut yourself on purpose
-had a best friend
-lost a loved one
-shoplifted something

-been to jail
-skipped school
-skipped a class

-had detention
-gotten in trouble for something you didn't do
-stolen books from the library

-gone to a foreign country
-dropped out of school
-been in a mental hospital
-watched the harry potter movies
-had an online diary
-fired a gun
-had a yard sale
-had a lemonade sale
-actually made money at the lemonade sale
-been in a school play

-been fired from a job
-taken a lie detector test
-swam with dolphins
-gone to sea world
-voted for someone on a reality tv show
-written poetry
-read more than 20 books in a year

-gone to europe
-loved someone you can't have
-used a coloring book over age twelve
-had surgery

-had stitches
-taken a taxi
-seen the washington monument
-had more than five online conversations going at once

-had a drug or alcohol problem
-been in a fist fight
-suffered any form of abuse

-gone surfing in california
-had a hamster
-pet a wild animal
-used a credit card
-did spirit day at your school
-dyed your hair

-got a tattoo
-had something pierced
-got straight a's
-been on the honor roll

-known someone with hiv or aids
-drank alcohol
-cried when someone died
-felt someone up/got felt up
-kissed someone
-went farther than kissing someone
-been in love
-been heartbroken
-missed your ex
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