
Joined: August 6, 2012
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 323211
Gender: F

i t m e a n s n o w o r r i e s


Quotes by kjsdancer

Team Jacob
'cause i like 'em hot. ;)

“And so the lion fell

in love with the

lamb..." he

murmured. I looked

away, hiding my

eyes as I thrilled to

the word. What a

stupid lamb," I

sighed. What a sick,

masochistic lion.”

-Stephenie Meyer,


my formant
please give credit

Dear Lord, may

Taylor Lautner

never find his shirt


Amen. ❤

I could tell you
his favorite colors green
He loves to argue,
born on the seventeenth
His sister's beautiful,
he has his father's eyes
And if you ask me if I love him,
I'd lie.

-Taylor Swift

formant credit to audreyann
 Snow white said when I was young,
"One day my prince will come."
So I'll wait for that date.

Not Like The Movies - Katy Perry ♥