
Joined: May 16, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 109213
Gender: F
Hey I'm Katie
I'm a martial artist
I love my dojo and all the wonderful students and teachers in it <333
I'm OBSESSED with Harry Potter =D
I'm a poet
I love to read (fantisy is my genre)
As I'm sure you have realized by now, I'm a terrible speller xD
Just because I was born a Northern girl doesn't mean I'm not a country girl 

Get to know me =)
I hope something eats you 

Quotes by kksweetthingkk


I was hanging out with my guy friends the other day.  I was the only girl so they were looking up girls from our school that they thought were "hot".  I started wondering if guys ever went to my profile to look at me and zoom in on my boobs...than I realized...I don't want them to.  Instead of them going to my profile and thinking "damn shes hot" I want them to think "wow, she's beautiful"


"It's not going to be easy. It's going to be really hard. But we're going to have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because, I want you. All of you. Forever."
♥ The Notebook ♥
my quote. nmf

Format by Sandrasaurus

I Love You
But You Love Her

Highlight ^_^

I'm sorry but he has taken your spot
Not completly though, don't worry. Instead of "<3" fights, we have "sooo" fights
Thank you Dennis
For making me smile
And laugh
When all I wanted to do
Was cry
I love you
 She fakes a smile
When all she wants to do is yell
He knows somethings wrong
But she'll never tell

nmq,nm nmq
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