
Joined: October 4, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 223846
Hey thereee.I made this account so I could vent..
My name's Katelynn Marie<3 I love my name.(:
MY life is kinda complicated so that's why I made this I could vent about it.If you wanna know anything else..just askk.
* I just wanted to be perfect*

*I just wanted you to love  me*

*I just wanted to feel good enough*

*I just wanted to make you like me*

*I just wanted to be skinny.*
"An eating disorder is more than a's like a monster that consumes you and takes over your life..."

Quotes by liesbehindthissmile



fav for confessions



Confession #9
I feel  like even my own family doesn't want me.

Format by Sandrasaurus

Confession #8
I feel like I don't belong...anywhere.

Format by Sandrasaurus

I have screwed up 81% of my teenage lifee!

[x] Kissed someone before dating
[x] Gotten a phone taken away at school
] Gotten caught chewing gum
Gotten caught cheating on a test
Total so far: 4

[X] Arrived late to class more than 5 times
[X] Didn't do homework over 5 times
[X] Turned at least 2 projects in late
[X] Missed school just because you felt like it
[X]Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class
Total so far: 9

[X] Got your mom, dad, SISTER etc to get you out of school
[X] Text people during class
[x] Passed notes
[x] Threw stuff across the room
[x] Laughed at the teacher
Total so far: 14

[x] Took pictures during school hours
[] Called someone during school hours
[X] Listened to iPod, CD, etc during school hours
Total so far: 16

[x] Threw something at the teacher
[x] Went outside the classroom without permission
[x] Broke the dress code
[] Failed a class
[x] Ate food during class
Total so far: 20

[] Been called the worst student
[] Punished on a school trip because you behaved badly
[x] Didn't take your stuff to school
[x] Given a teacher the finger when they weren't looking
Total so far: 22

[X] Faked your parents signature
[x] Slept in class
[x] Cursed at a teacher behind their back
[x] Copied homework
[] Got in trouble with the principal/vice principal/dean
[x]Thrown food in the lunch room
Total so far: 27

Multiply by 3 for a total.
Post as "I have screwed up __ of my teenage life 
Confession #7
Most of the school,even some of my friends,think I'm "EASY." 

Format by Sandrasaurus

Confession #6
About 99% of the guys I've dated/liked,and thought like me back,just wanted  to 'get some.' from me.

Format by Sandrasaurus

Confession #5
This is a secret my friend on here wouldn't know about my issue.

Format by Sandrasaurus

Confession #4
I feel like there's no one to talk to about my eating disorder. 

Format by Sandrasaurus

Confessioin #3
I've tried to stop doing this to my body,but I can't..

Format by Sandrasaurus