Joined: November 7, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 93101
im a cheerleader ;D

Quotes by liveLAUGHloveCHEER

go write on it
 Something must be wrong
if every girls idea of a p e r f e c t guy
is a vampire or a werewolf ?
yeah girl, trust me i know :

the non stop texts because he always wants to be on your mind
the instant i m once he saw you were online
the certain smile and look he had once he saw you
the cute conceited way he acted in front of you to  try and impress you
the way you slowly watch him start to fall for you
the feeling you get inside when you see him walking towards you in the hallway
less than a month ago, that was me and him

soon you'll get the invite to hangout just the two of you that will make your heart melt
then soon enough you'll be his, i'll be heartbroken , but you'll be floating on air
then when you met his family , you'll fall deeeper in
watching him play with his little cousin will make you smile at jut how sweet he can be

honestly,  won't be alright watching
but i love him
that's what it comes down to
i've tried to deny it, to forget about it
but i cant, its impossible
point is : i just want him happy

after we broke up i was crushed
i know, it's stupid because i broke up with him
but was it so wrong for me to want to be treated right?
he said he was truly sorry, and that he wanted me back
but i guess that was just a lie like his
" i love you"

and i guess these tears i'm crying are just a waste of time

so girl, i hope he treats you right

im aware that im the one that broke up with him
but he's the one that broke my heart
i never asked for this, any of it ,but it happpend
even after all he put me through
im still head over heals
and it hurts  < / 3
 non voglio amare tu
[ i dont want to love you
] < / 3