
Joined: July 19, 2010
Last Seen: 9 years
Birthday: June 20
user id: 117171
Location: Somers, CT
Gender: F

Every time you smile, I smile;
                                                                              & Every time you shine, I'll shine for you. ♥

Sometimes the smallest things, take up the most room in our hearts.
Hi, I'm Morgan Victoria. I'm seveten, & a senior in highschool. 
I love the color yellow, the way the sun shines in the morning, yellow starburts,
the way the waves hit the shore, & Arnold Palmer Half&Half.
I believe in miracles, second chance, & in love at first sight. I think weekends should be longer,
it's okay to sing & dance in the rain, also we should always cherish the memories, both good & bad.
I love any kind of music, country all the way to rap. taylor swift is my idol.
I support gay rights, love is love no matter gender, race, or age difference.
I was born with a heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot, but that doesn't
stop me from wanting to make a difference, an impact in this stupid world.
Don't be afraid to talk to me, I don't judge, I've been through way to much
to do such a thing. I have no full siblings, but i've got nine D:
i have trust issues, i don't have a best friend, and i hate when people bring themselves down.
I'm single, but i've liked the same guy for a year & a half.
lets continue. i don't drink, smoke, or do drugs.. where the hell is that gonna gettcha?
I love helping people, i wanna be a child pscholgist when i'm older.
I'm a hopeless romantic. I believe in wishing on stars ;; soul mates, and love that never ends.
I'm no where near perfect.
I miss my puppy. she got hit by a car my freshman year.  i love you baby RIP
. 12/08/09.

3,2,1. & done.

free counters         


liveandlearn_12's Favorite Quotes

Justin Bieber Fact #248
Justin doesn't understand why girls cry
when they meet him.

my grandma was head cheerleader. 
my grandpa was captain of the football team.

fave if you think this is adorable :)

Dear   ♥  Boys,

the kind of  c o l o g n e  you wear will determine how hot you are 


W H O  E L S E  A B S O L U T E L Y  L O V E S

Forever 21?

t h e s c a r i e s t t h i n g a b o u t

is that you have no idea
where it'll take you. it could take you to {{places}}
dangerous, but yet so exciting. you could end up being smashed___ into
p i e c e s , and heart - broken for what seems
like forever. and although
following your mind seems like the safer thing to do, following your heart
is a test of how strong you really are, and it could take you to{{ p l a c e s }}


not mine, think its amazing though.
This quote does not exist.

Sometimes i think to myselff...
Am i too 
Sexy ?

This quote does not exist.

Those attractive faces you
pull when putting on


Evergirl hafivpersonalities;

1. How she acts at school.
2. How she acts around her friends.
3. How she acts around her family.
4. How she acts when she's with him.
5. How she acts when she's alone.


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