
Status: The red washing down the bathtub can't change the color of the sea at all.
Joined: February 4, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 270818

 Just call me Charlie.

If I were to reach inside myself and expose to you every last detail about me, it would take nearly a lifetime. And I'm sure you don't have a lifetime to spare. In my eyes, exposing myself to others creates a false reality for myself, sets my hopes far too high, and traps me in my strange, altered reality. So, I'd be honored to provide you with the basics.

On Witty Profiles, I care to go by Charlie. Just Charlie. My true identity doesn't matter much; you wouldn't be interested in the real me anyhow. But don't let me having an alias worry you, I mean no harm whatsoever, honestly. I'm just another teenage boy with unrealistic hopes for everything, immense amounts of apathy, introversy, and opinions that tend to get me in trouble, but a hidden sense of curiosity and sensitivity with an overactive imagination, asks far too many questions and think the world will end over the smallest things. I'm just Charlie. I'm nothing special.

What I'm trying to ease into: don't be afraid to talk to me. This is a place where you may feel free to roam freely without judgement. If you need anything, someone to come to, you can confide in me completely. If you feel you have nowhere else to go, think of me. I know how it feels to be left alone when you need someone, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Also, don't be surprised if I write on your profile a simple Goodmorning or Good night. Or simply ask how your day is going. I might do it once in a while, in hopes to brighten your day a little. Who knows, maybe we'll become the best of friends someday. Because god knows we all need those. Even me.

Please believe things are good with me, and even when they're not, they will be soon enough.
And I will believe the same about you.

Love Always,


lovealwayscharlie_'s Favorite Quotes

I'm not a graceful person;
I'm not an elegant person.
I'm a mess,
I'm self-destructive;
there isn't much to me,
no profound quality that
lies within me, 
something that makes me special.
No, I'm just a writer who is lost
within her own mind; scared of
what lies within her.
Who spends her days drinking tea,
and writing really bad poems
just like this one).
I'm not a graceful person,
I'm not a happy person;
honestly, I don't know who I am.


i let people walk all over me. if  someone asks me to carry their books, i'll do it without question. if they ask to borrow a pen when i only have one, i'll give them the pen. people dump all their problems on me and watch me struggle under the weight of issues that they should take care of themselves. i get used, over and over again. if someone insults me or acts like a b/tch to me, i won't say anything bad back to them. i stand up for other people all the time, but i never stand up for myself, because there's a part of me that thinks i'm not worth an opinion. if people use me, at least that means i'm good for something.
In the library I felt better, words you could trust and look at till you understood them, they couldn’t change half way through a sentence like people, so it was easier to spot a lie. ❞ 


I don't mind
 if we take our time, 'cause
I'm all yours,
if you're all mine.

What happened to your wrist?

“If you cut yourself, if you hate yourself, if you eat, if you don’t eat. If your parents split up, if your parents hit you, if your mom tells you you’re a piece of trash. If you got in a car crash and half you face is gone— wake up in the morning and give yourself a chance. Do it. Not for music, not for any other reason than the fact that you’re alive and you were given the grace to wake up another day. So do it, man. Just freaking get out there and try.”
 -Aaron Gillespie
Sometimes i think to myself,

"Do I really want to buy

another chocolate bar?"

and then i remember that there is a super volcano under Yellowstone that is 40,000 years overdue and when it erupts it could potentially cover most of North America in ash and create a volcanic winter that kills half the worlds population.

So then i'm all like



Hey little fighter,
things will get brighter.