
Joined: February 4, 2011
Last Seen: 4 years
user id: 151181
Gender: F
I believe in music the same way little kids believe in fairytales.

Live Life...get in the water and swim.
-Bobb Watkins

lynzee's Favorite Quotes

You know when you're sad and you don't know why
but at the same time you know exactly why?

Yeah, that's how I feel right now
Things my mother didn't tell me but should have

Never give any kind of pleasure to a boy you wouldn't give yourself.

Kiss like a promise and wait for the other person to break it.

Human beings are not ships; you cannot save them from sinking if they don't want to be rescued from the floodwaters.

Loving someone that doesn't give a damn about you isn't sexy; it's misplaced energy, also known as self-destruction.

Don't ever treat anyone like a refugee from a civil war; they will come back from battle and leave you as wounded as if you were the one who had been paid for military service.

Forgiveness isn't putting the weapon down; it's learning how to kiss the person pulling the trigger, not just a quick peck, but a full one with tongue.

Let the dead be dead.
They have no answering machines, no phonelines: if you call them, only the ground will ring.

Never trust a boy who already has a pack of condoms readdy in his coat pocket before he even asks your name.

When the world tries to break you back with its weight, get a stronger spine.

Even oceans misplace their anchors sometimes.

Never "give a man persmission."
You shouldn't have to. It should be mutual.

Stop treating your body like a currenc--don't pay anyone who doesn't deserve it.

I hate when people are like to me, "Why don't you like freshmen? You were one too, you know." Like, yeah. I was a freshman. And do you want to know who I hated when I was a freshman? My fellow freshmen.
I hate it when your eyes get so sore from being on the internet that you literally can't even blink and tears start
spilling from your eyes but you're not crying

I haven't had regular coke in like two years

I can taste the difference

Ah it's so much better than diet

*me playing GTA 5*

Me: Why is everyone out to get me
Me: Jeez, you run over one guy in blue sweats and everyone suddenly everyone has an attitude


when my little brother was three, mum was taking a picture of him at the beach and she was like “smile!” and he looked her dead in the eyes and scowled and said “Mummy. I have run out of smiles today” and i just lost it


to scare everyone on halloween im just going to upload a selfie

Today at school a boy asked a girl to homecoming. He got inside her locker so when she'd open it she would just see him standing there with a bunch of roses. Everyone was like "Aww that's soo cute!!" While I'm over here like, "If I opened my locker and saw a body in there I'd run away screaming... but you know"


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