
Joined: June 15, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 112421

my name is Alyssa <3 pretty much all you need to know is that i love Witty Profiles :) haha, & i like the color PURPLE & i love HIM <|3
i like reading quotes :)
i like to think that quotes can express how i'm feeling.

quotes always describe him to me.
i like to make up my own quotes, too :)
so yeah, read my quotes, comment them, favorite them, & follow me :)
i'm the type of girl you won't forget <$

lyssaamariiee's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.

This quote does not exist.
Her:Why are you following me?
Him: Because I was told to follow my dreams

sorry if it's already on here

there's a lot on my mind.
and no witty quotes, taylor swift lyrics, nor facebook statuses
could illustrate just that.
because it's my feelings for you.
and as of now, they're all over the place.

Long bu t wor t h r ead ing.

Teenage girl much?
Yeah. we might like shopping and putting on alittle makeup to make us look just alittle prettier than before.
We might not have pillow fights at our sleepovers guys; but we do talk about you all night.
We take wayy to many pictures and post them to the facebook world for everyone to see.
We live for the mall on Friday nights
and we love getting compliments. Not because we are full of ourselves,
but to actually see that someone noticed that we took our time to get ready just becasue we knew you were going.
We have our days when we think we are downright ugly,
and our FML status's that we post.
Our lives are full of back stabbing girls that pretend to be our friends then turn on us.
But we aren't all like that.
Some of us will actually go up to a girl and say she looks pretty instead of giving her a dirty look and getting jealous.
We get our heart broken and we climb in our bed blasting our ipods while we cry.
But its gonna be okay because this is just the teenage years.
We have our whole life to look forward to and most importantly,
none of these years will matter in the end.

Everything is going to be okay.

all m i n e. ♥
fave if your left hand is on your face or if your legs are crossed :)                                              

Put Together
» all the songs on my Ipod,
[make up my life story]