
Joined: November 13, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
Birthday: October 21
user id: 238156
Location: USA
Gender: F
Amanda Rose here, dancing my way through life as best as I can. October 21st is when I made this world a little more awkward. I'm a dancer, a singer, an actress, and an artist. I'm here if you need me, I'll be glad to listen. Enjoy your time on earth, gorgeous. It isn't gonna last forever.

Quotes by mandarose

Maybe it’s not about what we think it is.
Maybe it’s not about anything at all.
Maybe it’s all about not thinking,
Only dreaming, imagining…learning how to carry on.
It’s about uncertainty, or I guess,
Maybe it could be about uncertainty.
Or learning how to be confident in being uncertain,
Letting people know that you know who you are,
Even though you haven’t the slightest clue.
We could pretend that it’s about feeding the monster inside,
Or we could hope that that’s only a small part.
We know it’s about the madness that engulfs us,
And the fears that entwine us,
And the people who hurt us,
Can we believe that it’s about believing?
Or wishing for hope?
Or knowing that you always have yourself.
Maybe it’s about dancing when everyone is looking
And smiling for the sake of smiling
And crying because you realize that
You know you’re getting nowhere and everywhere
At the same time,
And you don’t know what to do with it.
…So you laugh.
And then you think it’s about time.
The minutes and hours as they tick away.
Taking with them your hopes and your family
And leaving you with friends who are just people
who kind of know you but don’t at all.
And as you sit there you remember and you smile.
Because he brought you flowers.
Every year.
And you start to realize that it’s worth it.
Even though it’s not and you feel like it’s not and you wonder.
What’s it like to be living?
And as you wonder it strikes you that
We’re all living… But are we alive?

*my poem*

I almost texted him last night.
The one who hurt and killed me.
My phone was in hand,
But my heart couldn't stand,
The thought of him not answering.
I almost asked him why he left me
And  why I wasn't good enough.
I almost told him how much I miss him.
And how our love was strong enough.

I almost texted him last night.
The new boy, the one with whom I should be.
My phone was in my hand,
But my heart couldn't stand,
The thought of him not answering.
I almost asked him if he likes me
And if I'm maybe good enough.
I almost told him how he can fix me.
And how my love is strong enough.


It hurts knowing he'll never like me back.
My Dad started crying.
He started crying when he was watching my Theater Arts project.
He didn't want me to see,
But I did.
I didn't say anything though.
It was just pictures of me,
never showing my face,
Dancing through the leaves,
And wandering through the woods.
To the song Dream by Priscilla Ahn.
A song about a lonely little girl who commits suicide.
I think he finally realized how easily he could lose me.
Today, I was walking in the hall with my best friend.
And the guy I have a major crush on was about to pass us, so I was freaking out.
So as he walks by,
My friend goes,
"Excuse me,"
and touches his arm.
He turned around and faced us.
and my friend goes,
"Amanda loves you."
So he looks at me,
says "thank you"
and winks at me.

I am totally and utterly dead.
I can not wait to see him tomorrow.
Pictures Unspoken
She paints a picture on her wrist,
And thinks if she's gone, she'll never be missed.
But her smile never fades, although she's heartbroken.
She fears only herself, and leaves her words left unspoken.
The last time she felt happy? She can't remember when.
She only cries and feels the taste of going where she's been.
He feels the same as she does, and wants to end his pain,
He starts and ends his day with the picking of his blade.
The words they say...they hurt him.
He'll never be the same.
He's fat and ugly, stupid, dumb, and every other name.
But no one sees, and no one asks, so he's stuck living inside his past.
He spends his day planning only how to live his last.
They slip under the radar,
And think it's for the best.
They'll find a time it'll work, to end their hurt,
To be free and happy at last.
And "suddenly" they're gone.
At least that's what they say.
The rigid knife, that ended his life
Was used before that day.
She decided to jump, left her cruel world with a..."thump".
But this plan took more than just days.
They painted pictures unspoken,
Ones we chose to ignore.
They never used to have pain,
Why weren't their lives the same as before?
There's only one thought we can gather,
As we kneel upon their graves,
Their lives were truly something we had to power to save.

*my poem that I wrote for English class*
Unspoken Rules for When You find an Acquaintence's Witty:
1. Don't be looking for their Witty.
2. Never EVER mention it.
3. Do not, and i mean ever, discuss the content of their quotes.
4. Keep all of their quotes and information a secret from the rest of the world.
5. Just don't fu/king talk about. like EVER.

*this is my Hannah Montana life, it shall remain a secret, sweeties. Don't make me come after you*
I did it.
I finally told my parents about my depression and self harm.
And my mom said she was proud of me for telling them.

Hear that Wittians?

You can ask for help.
And you will get it.
Take control of your life,
and go get some help so you can feel better.

You know what I asked for
for my Birthday?
A pair of Crocs.
At 10 o'clock PM tonight, my friend David started texting me, and started trying to cheer me up.
So he goes,
"Maybe looking outside will cheer you up."
So as confused as I was, I walk out my front door.

And he's standing there waiting.
With a Build-a-Bear in hand.
That has his voice recorded.
And it says,

"Will you go to Homecoming with me?"

I have the best date ever