
Joined: June 2, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 179560
You only live once that's the motto nigga yolo (: You   Love LO 



I'm not using this profile anymore, I have a new one. (: It's SummerAirAndLovelyHair so go follow, comment, and fave my quotes! Thanks=)

You Jelly?? vvvvvvv (;

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mmmmmm nutella <3 and a strawberry lol caught in the momentImage and video hosting by TinyPic
In the snow <3 we're cool (:
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My gorgeous wife Bre<3
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Snow again!!<3
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Quotes by marissss99

skinny is beautiful
but so is curvy
and short
and tall
and long hair
and short hair
and no hair
and freckles
and dark skin
and light skin
and medium skin
and thin arms
and wide shoulders
and tiny feet
and long feet
and small hands
and long fingers
and big teeth
and wide wrists
and long arms
and blonde hair
and brown hair
and red hair
and black hair
and blue hair
and curves
and hips
and small breasts
and narrow fingers
and chubby fingers
and high cheekbones
and muscles
and strong calves
and big noses
and tiny noses
and round noses
and thick eyebrows
and thin eyebrows
and loud voices
and accents
and intelligence
and high voices
and clear skin
and acne
and big toes
and wide thighs
and thigh gaps
and sharp ears
and small ears
and wide tummies
and big hands
and small tummies
and wide hips
and big butts
and flat chests
and no butts
and big eyes
and slanted eyes
and streaks
and contacts
and glasses
and afros
and straight hair
and curly hair
and moles
and thin legs
and stubby legs
and big arms
and big foreheads
and love handles
and perfection
and flaws.

I Don't Trust
 easily. So when I say "I trust you" please don't make me regret it.
 - J.  C o l e

I will never forget the old you.

I cried a lot because of you.

Sh u t   Up
my favorite song is playing.


i  s   a  n  y  o  n  e    e  l  s  e    s  a  d     t  h  e  y  '  r  e     g  o  i  n  g     t  o    b  e  

for the start of 2012?



On America's Next Top Model...


Janice: She's humungo! She can never be a model, look at all of her fat and rolls! She can never make it in the business!

Tyra: Janice, you are the exact reason why girls and women of all ages are hovering over the toilet right now throwing up what they just ate.. She can do anything she pleases as long as she works at it!
♡   Thanks Tyra 


" D o  y o u  l i k e  m u s i c ? " 

"Do you like breathing?"
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