
Status: Follow Llarmarmy cause i said :3
Joined: April 9, 2012
Last Seen: 5 years
Birthday: June 21
user id: 290779
Location: anywhere with wifi
Gender: F

Quotes by mexismoo

sorry i left
i had stuff to deal with
i miss this website
If you haven't guessed, I've left witty
sorry and stuff, but all of  the quotes are from tumblr
and were not a family anymore
find me on twitter and tumblr if you really want
i just asked someone if the plural of octopus is octopi and they said im not fxcking david attenbrough like jeesh i just asked if it was octopi or not

vent over sorry guys
Pubertmakeyou hot or potato
and if your a hot potato
people  pass  you  around  and  hope  they  dont  get
stuck with you
Oh, you represent?
Congratulations on
being from a place
If you dont fave your own quotes,
you're doing it wrong.

Even if it's
not okay I'll


snapstorm layouts
sleeping with sirens
-the bomb dot com V2.0

Cool story bro, tell it again.


why is witty all no swearing and no rude
quotes im pretty sure most of us go to

public school

f o r m a t   j i m m y 3 6 5 - i changed the colours a bit