
Joined: June 22, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 185993

Why, helloothere:D
 Name: Meagan Ruth Williamson-Lathrop<3
 Age: alllmooostt 13!!:D
DOB: 11/17/98
Looks liikke:
Height: uhh..5"
Body Type: chunkky monkeey/athletic
Hair: Darkishh Brownn
Eyes: Gweeen:)
Skin: Tan in laa summerr Pasty whitee in the winterr ://

Loves // Interests // Hobbies // Stuff i doo:)

Loves: animals, singing, music, family, frienddss, walking, Rite Aiiidss!:D , the internet, Witty<3
Loves to: Sing, Dance, Chilll with fweends:3 go on walkks, swimm (like a fishy!:D)

Interested in: Cooking, Singing, Fishh;D , Poetry, Songwriting, Painting stuff, booys, pshyciatry

Hobiies: Walking, Talking, Singing, Cooking, Writing storiees, Doiingg haiirr, walking around like a jellyfishh:D

Stuufff ahh dooo!:) : singg(a LOOTT), pokee peeoplllee with sticks, messs around with waterrbaalloooonss, talkk about boys, makee foood, walkk to rite aiids, shhuwimm, skateboard, dancee like a weehtard, sleeeepp allll daay. draww on my convers.

soo. thatt's mee. ifff yoou wanna knoow meh better, commeentt. :) Himm<3

Quotes by musicismylifeline

kissing test<3
1.hold you breath add a quote
3.copy and past this quote
4.good now if you did it without breathing you are a good kisser

* on cleverbot*

9567 people talking



and who else is thinking, 9567 people, don't have lives.

when you grow a pair

        you can call me back <3


fave  maah qooutte foorr:
you are :
[] beautiful
[] pretty
[] ok
[] ugly

your best feature is :
[] hair
[] eyes
[] smile
[] nothing

you seem :
[] nice
[] cool
[] boring
[] like a b*tch

if you were a spongbob character, i think you'd be :
[] spongbob
[] patrick
[] squidward
[] mr.crabs

do i want to get to know you :
[] yeah
[]sure follow mee(:
[] nah  

so. this is a true story that happened abooouut 20 minutes ago? There's this guy i'm in love with, but he's dating my best friend. So today he commented on my photo saying exactlyy this: i'm not liking it because i LOVE itD: and he was saying alll this nice bullshit on chat!! like wtf?! dude!! and he KNOWS i love him..and he's told me he liked me a lot...reeeeaallllyy!! WTF?!

~ true storry:// ~

work your blonde benet ramsey

we'll haunt like Liberace

find your freedom in the music;

find your jesus;

find your kubrick. <3


you know i'm REALLY MAD,  when even music won't calm me down. <//3

there ain't no reason you&&me should be alone,

tonight, yeah baby; tonight, yeah baby. <3