
Joined: July 25, 2011
Last Seen: 4 years
Birthday: March 28
user id: 199512
Gender: F

nevercutyourbeautiful's Favorite Quotes

Ain't it funny rumors fly? & I know you heard about me so hey, let's be friends. I'm dying to see how this one ends.

the darkest nights make the brightest stars

beautiful things
 don't ask for attention
This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.
do not let anyone make you feel like sh .it for putting yourself

first you are the only person that is guaranteed to be with you throughout your whole life so you might as well have a loving relationship with yourself

I was ready to leave this website yesterday. But I refuse                      
to leave until witty is active again. It's like... I don't feel comfortable without
leaving newer members something to inherit. I want them to see the

same Witty that I did when I was young.

This quote does not exist.

I sit next to a popular sports boy in my math class and he was sleeping so i leaned over and doodled a flower on his paper and the first time he didn’t wake up but the second time he did & smiled at me and later in class i saw he had doodled a whole tiny meadow around the 2 flowers and he was trying to hide it but it didn’t work..i know ur secret popular sports boy, u are just as dorky & cute as everyone else

if all your quotes are from tumblr
                                                             you're really not allowed to get annoyed when someone insults ' y o u r ' quotes.

(come at me, bro. again.)