
Joined: February 14, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: August 31
user id: 350126
Gender: F

The reason that noonewillknowwhoiam is my name because I dont want people to see my witty and say omg she posted about that person or something like that.
Other than that I am a 17 years old That is about all Ill give yall right now. :) Feel free to leave comments or anything, I can help anyone with anything

Quotes by noonewillknowwhoiam

Liar Liar pants on fire! HA! I WISH!
You are just pushing me more, and more to the edge, keep going and you'll regret it. It's pretty sad you keep doing this to me. 
everyone always says that their fathers are great on fathers day and im here like my fathers dirt.
When you're so scared that you feel like youre going to be sick.
A Foriegn Exchange Student at my school is pregnant....
Relationships now adays:
1 boy
1 girl
1 jealous ex trying to ruin it
Hunny, I have every right to be jealous of your ex.
My Boyfriend is amazing, he means the world to me, I don't know what I would do without him.
I love him so much, the way he makes me feel when I am with him is like the first day I met him, nervous, but loved at the same time. <3
Me in the mornings when I have nothing to do:
me: bus gets here at 7:02
me: its only 6:30
me: I have a half an hour to do anything
me: Ohh foood, yumm, i can actually eat some!
me: Oh better hurry its 6:55
me: Gotta be out in a couple of min. 
me: 7:00 outside waiting for bus.
me: CRAP! I forgot to get my homework!
me: I forgot my laptop.
me: Frantically call my sister to tell her to bring it out. 
me: No answer
me: Run inside as fast as I can try to grab stuff. 
me: 7:03 good thing the bus hasn't come yet.
Sister: The bus just went by.
me: FUDGE.
            I still have the roses that my boyfriend got me for Valentines day. Almost 3 months.