
Joined: January 26, 2014
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 378074

olivia*'s Favorite Quotes

Can you imagine
if someone sent you
a list of all the reasons
why they love you?


girl pockets: can fit a piece of lint. if you're lucky, two pieces of lint.
guy's pockets: can fit car keys, a notepad, a calculator, the neighbors dog, an apartment complex, the entire state of hawaii, and half of jupiter.

Today in school,
someone asked me why I would voulantarily spend extra time writing. My response was:
"This world sucks, so I created my own."

puberty either makes you a
hot god or a potatoe.

Girl on Witty to Steve: Happy Valentine's Day! What will you be getting for the Mrs.?

life = made

i was on tumblr and i just saw a picture of a woman with a poem tattooed onto her
want to know why that's special?
I wrote that poem and posted it on tumblr six months ago.
my poetry impacted her to the point where she wanted to have it permanently on her skin. it will be with her forever; when she gets married, it will be there, when she has children, it will be there. it meant that much to her.

and i am speechless.


Earlier this year I was in one of my classes, and this one really nice girl asked to use the restroom, but the teacher told her no. Well the girl politely asked again, and he said no again. A few minutes later she said it was an emergency, and he still turned her down. You could tell she was obviously annoyed, but then about three minutes later asks again, and tells him it is a serious emergency, and she has to go, but he still says no. So the girl stands up in front of everyone, and her face is all red because she's embarassed, and she says to the teacher in front of EVERYONE that she just started her period, and she literally needs to use the restroom. At this point everyone is staring. The teacher STILL told her to go sit down and didn't let her go. Everyone in the class was confused and shìt, then OUT OF NO WHERE the kid next to the girl, a varsity football player, stands up and says "Don't you have a wife? Didn't you grow with your mom or sister's? She's started her period, and she needs to use the bathroom, and she's going whether you let her or not!" Then he walked over, pulled the girl with him, and walked with her to the bathroom. When they came back the doûche bag of a teacher called security on them, and the guy got suspended for standing up for the girl.
I will never forget that day. A dámn football player was man enough to stand up for a girl against a teacher and defended her on a girl problem she was having. Not many high school guys are mature enough to even say the word "period" much less do what he did.


am i the only one who tries to
learn lyrics to rap songs so i can surprise people during car rides.


does anyone ever see things in their dreams
and then later in life see the exact same thing and freak out for a couple of seconds?


next time you're washing your hands next to
somebody, cup your hands under the tap water until the water overflows, then look at them dramatically and say "this water is getting out of hand." it's a guaranteed way to make friends. i have never tried it, but it's guaranteed.