
Joined: December 6, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 247592

I'm 16

Me name is Chloe

I don't know why I wrote this information here

But ithere's some useless information that you didn't know before :D

Quotes by ponypigtialgirl

The Worst Kind of Pain is When:

You feel unloved and alone. Like nobody wants you and you're ugly and worthless. When you just want to cry, but you can't let anybody know what's wrong.

You step on an earing and it gets stuck in your foot >.<
It annoys me when people write "ect."
How do you pronounce that? Ec tesera?

It's abbreviated as etc.
It stands for et cetera

Yes, society sucks. But not for the reason most people think. The problem is that the vast majority of people hate society for mostly non-existant reasons.

Think about it; everyone is a part of society. Many hate society for believing that people have to be beatiful, thin, smart, etc. Now recognize that most people disagree with those beliefs (don't tell me otherwise, because I don't know a single person who thinks like that). If most people share those views, then society is ACTUALLY compromised of people who are generally acceptant of others, not people who think you have to be perfect (because they know that they aren't perfect themselves.)

I'm not saying mean people don't exist. I'm not saying that nobody thinks that you have to look a certain way, or do things in a specific manner. What I am saying is that the society people picture in their head isn't the society they are a part of. 

The definition of society is, "The community of people living in a particular region and having shared customs, laws, and organizations."

Does everyone who falls under that description actually share the beliefs that society is accused of having? Society is more compromised of people who hate society than anything else. People just generally like saying that they're better than everyone else, but I'm telling them that they're wrong, because the things they claim about society aren't true.
Society: Society is terrible, all they do is tell you that magazine stars are beautiful and that you're ugly, don't listen to them. Sociey won't be your friend if you're not attractive, but your personality is really what matters. Society tells you that you aren't good enough, but you are. Society sucks.
This doesn't make any sense at all.
It seems to me like Obama and Romney supporters are just internet fandoms.
Like nobody actually considers the facts or knows what they're talking about, they just pick a random side or the side their parents are on.
All I see is "If ____ wins I'm moving to Mexico!" But if you ask a lot of them why, they won't have an answer.
I respect your opinion if you're an intelligent individual and can back your opinion with facts, but honestly, if you make a quote saying "SUCK IT OBAMA HATERS" I'm going to doubt your actual competence of the situation.
I would just like to point out that your opinion does not actually matter. If you cannot vote - it really doesn't matter. If you have intelligent conversations and try to persuade more people of your opinions in order to better the country, then you might actually have an impact. However, simply saying "F*ck ______, he'd make a terrible president," and not stating why just makes your candidate look like he has simpleminded supporters.
Stupid Phrase of the year:
My sister's friend: I don't want Romney to win. He's going to take away our pads and tampons!!!
Me: *facepalm*
*not saying anything about my political stance, just the fact that she said something this dumb*

When I go to college,
if there's ever a girl in my dorm who takes my stuff
as much as my sister does now...

I will hurt her.

Some Human: Like this if you have the ability to press the like button!
Me: You're not allowed to ask for people to like your quote.

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