
Joined: December 6, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 247592

I'm 16

Me name is Chloe

I don't know why I wrote this information here

But ithere's some useless information that you didn't know before :D

Quotes by ponypigtialgirl

The awkward moment when Hurricane Sandy makes all of your trees do the the YMCA dance.


   Fortune Cookies #3


Time flies. Suns rise and shadows fall.
Let time go by. Love is forever over all.



Whoever makes this quote
is going to be really freaking confused


Annoying kid: I get all the b!tches!
Me: Please, I have 1 dollar bills that have been in more girls' bras than you

How to get a top quote on witty

Steal something funny/interesting from another part of the internet
and hope people won't notice
my version of

is "Shoot The Frolicking Unicorn"


   Fortune Cookies #2


Don't be hasty; prosperity will knock on your door soon.


2012: 1D toothpaste, 1D toothbrush, 1D huggs
2020: 1D's faces everywhere. 1D underwear, 1D condom, 1D weed

2020: 1D nothing, because they will have fallen off the face of the Earth by       .       then.

BravoSierra's format


I won't really care. I don't judge books by their covers.


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