
Status: <--- Can I look like her? Please?
Joined: July 20, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 366779
Location: Somewhere sad and empty.
Gender: F

Step into the Fantasy
Hi Witty, I'm Alyx and welcome to my profile.
I'm 15 years old and I have brown hair and eyes.
You will most likely never see my face. Ever. I'm horribly insecure and also don't like the idea of posting pictures of myself online for strangers... I'm sure you're all spectacular though!

[+] purple, marine biology, peircings, colored hair, tattoos, fluffy socks, pajamas, starbucks coffee, my boyfriend♥, nice people, dark humor, Shane Dawson (He makes me so happy), laughter, the way people's eyes light up when they're passionate about something.

[-] Rude people, close-mindedness, pointy nails, the color yellow, wearing leggings instead of pants, being too insecure to even wear the type of clothes that I like, etc etc.


Quotes by poprocks_choosewisely

"I think the video is much more, if people get past the point that I'm naked and you actually look at me you can tell that I actually look more broken then even the song sounds. The song is a pop ballad. It's one of those songs that everyone can relate to, everyone has felt that feeling at one point.
If people can take their minds out of the obvious and go to their imagination a little bit and see what the video really means and the way it's so vulnerable and actually if you look in my eyes I look more sad than my voice sounds. On the record it was a lot harder to do the video then it was to record the songs, it was a much more emotional experience." 
-Miley Cyrus

Some people just need to be b.tch slapped by reality and told to wake the f.ck up and to shut the f.ck up.

Oh dear lord are people still bringing up government/religious views on a quoting website? Shut up.

The fact that all you people can get out of an emotional and beautiful song is nudity says more about you than the artist.

Some just aren't born lucky.


-What were you so sad about?


They only care when you make mistakes


Serious Question
What types of teas do you guys enjoy? 
I want to start drinking more tea but I only know two types and one of them I don't care for and the other is only for certain occasions.
Please answer.
format-br0kenwings LEAVE THIS HERE PLEASE.

I like that dress, too bad I'm not pretty enough for it.

© format coded by: br0kenwings
Please don't remove this!

I look in the mirror and I don't like what I see.
So many pretty girls, I think "why can't that be me?"
I've tried it all and no matter what I cry.
Sometimes I just need to scream "Why, why, why?"
Why can't I be beautiful like her? 
Why can't I be smart like her?
Why can't I be talented like her? 
Why, why, why can't I be like her?

I look in the mirror and I don't like what I see.