
Joined: November 2, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 233518

uh i never know what to write in these things x:

Animal Print Backgrounds

Quotes by rachybAby

 Never give up on anyone you cant go a day without thinking about.

Those Songs You Can Never Dare To ListenTo AnymoreBecause They Remind You Of Him<3
.....always seem to be the best ones


When nothing goes right theres just one thing left to do;
smile (:

You told me you loved me , so why did you go  away?

You shouldnt be trying to change your past when you have a w h o l e future to look forward to.

Dominos Pizza: "Dominos pizza is now made with real cheese."

So what the f*ck was it made with before?

The AwkwardMomentWhen
YouFind Yourself Trying To Get Over Someone YouWere Never
Even Dating.

guys act like dicks to make up for
the ones they dont have