
Joined: November 26, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 243185

Hey Wittians! (:
My name is Brooklyn & my birthdaay and October 15th, any birthday twiins? (:
I love ringette, if any of you have ever heard of it (:
Aha, I'm a total "band-geek" as my friends call me! I play the trumpet.
Sorry if my quotes aren't really colourful and awesome, I just try to be who I am.
Follow me and I'll follow you baack. Or, at least I'll try too <3
Like me, or don't,
I'm just a normal girl. (:
Ringettegirl :)

Everything on my profile, cursor & 'about me' & music & background & comment box was made possible by  _RandomRequests (: shaaanks (:


Quotes by ringettegirl

After you watch 'Cyberbulling'...
You re-think everything you type online...

Fave, if you're against cyberbullying!

Ways to tell if you're in love:
-you have dreamt about him before
-ever wrote his name down during class?
-wore a cute outfit just for him
-asked him questions about him, then did those things
-think about him
-during class, you're 'wandering eye' lands on him
-when the teacher assigns group, a little part of you hopes he's in you're group
-as soon as he texts you, you smile, even if it just says 'hey'
-you got through you're old texts from him <3
-the whole time you read this, you thought about HIM <3
Fave if He was on you're mind! (:

But I found the strength inside to see
Found the better part of me
And I'll never let it go
~Invicible by Hedley <3

Fave it these insirational words have helped you <3


Fave this quote if..
In a group of 3, you're always the one left out and you feel like nobody notices you.
You are perfect and should never be left out <3


Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- Fear of long words.
Isn't that a long word?!

Fave if your scared of this word!

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