
Status: Check out meh Quotes! :D
Joined: July 23, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 319848
Location: NARNIA- Oh BTW Louis is here too!
Gender: F

Rainbow Color Animated Hello
By: One Direction
Niall and Louis's Solos

Shut the door
Throw the Key
Don't Wanna be Reminded
Don't Wanna be Seen
Don't Wanna be Without You
My Judgement is Clouded
Like Tonight's Sky

Hands are Silent
Voice is Numb
Try to Scream Out my Lungs
It Makes This Hard Girl
And the Tears Stream Down My Face

I Am A Proud Directioner!

Flashing Animated Hearts
Flashing Hearts
flashing heart
get word flashing
Flashing Black and White
Flashing Word Bubble
play it loud
Music Phototext

 BECOME A FAN! - Profile Counters


Myspace Code Generator

uppies <3

Quotes by royalclaymaker

    We all have the right the "bear arms". It is an amendment in the Constitution. We cannot get rid of guns.
But we can make it harder to get guns and make it harder to bring guns in public places.


Times Spent Together

So, I'm writing a new 1D fanfiction and I need a name for the main character. So, if you want me to use your name or other, please comment. The best name will be put in the story which will be posted tonight at around 9:00 or tomorrow. So please help me out and comment. So, yeah.

Author's Comment: Be sure to comment!

(c) FormatRequest

I really want you to picture this....
~no first kiss
~no first job
~no first love
~no first soulmate
~no first boyfriend
~no "the big 1-0" birthday
~not acheiving their dreams
~ruined futures
~knowing you are next....

Imagine being one of those poor kids in that room. Imagine the scared faces, imagine seeing your fellow friends die right before your eyes.

Just Imagine....

Everyone, fly your flags halfway in honor of those lost today.

Also, you know that moment of silence during school that you usually talk through. I want you to really be silent and pray during that time. 



*le me derping on Witty*
When I see.....

A new version of Witty Profiles is
coming out next week!

The new version is simpler, looks great
on mobile, and has some exciting new
features. Learn more at the 

Witty Profiles Facebook Page




whenever I see a quote with the word "me", I just think of "me" as a made-up character. Like someone we all just imagined one day.


So in ELA, my teacher was talking to us about homework....
Teacher: So kids remember to do your homework.
Teacher: I don't want to have to mad at you guys
Student: ​Okay, I'll 'forget' my homework tommorrow!
Teacher: Then, I'll whoop you gangman style!
Students: O_o
Teacher: ...
Students: O_o
Teacher: That's right, I'm in the right generation of songs!

If only she new what it really means....
true story

~One Direction


The mayan calendar 

didn't  include  leap years

so technically, the world ended 11 months ago...

I survived 2012!!

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