
Joined: November 11, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 237216
Gender: F

Quotes by samilee3

I'm not going to say, "you're all beautiful."
There'npoin.  You'keescrolling.
thayowoulfinway to love




He became sin who knensin,
that we might become 
& the whole earth trembled, and the veil was torn,
 LOVE sAmazing

And the Father who knows all hearts knows what
the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us 
believers in harmony with God's own will.

Romans 8:27
 0 56

That amazing moment when...
You know exactly who
your best friend is...
and exactly why.


 ♥ nmf

They say it's easier to care less.
Tell me, is life easier for a
man who believes he has no
purpose, or for a man who has

learned to love?


My Green Eyed Girl 
Chapter 13
I hadn’t seen Brian since he went into Ridley’s office.
That was two days ago. At the end of the day, there was still
no sign of Brian. I waited
for about 15 minutes or so by his locker after school. Still no sign. I pulled out my
phone and called Tony since Jeffrey was in classes right now.

“Sure Carles, I’ll be there in about 10.”
“Thanks, Tony.”
I walked to one of the benches out front and breathed in the cold, fresh  air. 
“Good morning, Daddy!” I remember bombarding him with tons of questions.
“Carly, shhh. Just listen,” he instructed.
“Listen to what, Daddy? There’s nothing out here!”
“Here, sit in my lap, just listen. Do you hear the birds? Do you hear the leaves crinkling? Do you hear that dog barking? That cat meowing? It’s the morning music.” 
I tried to listen for the music. This was always the best way to clear my head.
“Carles, just sit. Be still. Listen.”
Then I laid my head against his chest and as he stroked my hair, I began to nod off. 
I stopped walking down memory lane when a deep charcoal SUV pulled
up and I saw Tony through the car window.
I climbed in and we talked, it was a relaxing conversation,
simple and calm. When we got to my house, he parked the car and
we went inside. I offered him a soda and passed him a Sprite.
“So how’s West Valley High lately?”
“You know, the usual,” I fibbed.
“I don’t buy it. Remember, I’ve know you since you were a baby,
I know when you’re lying.”
Tony was right. 
“Boy trouble, but it’s nothing you need to worry about.”
“Hmmm… it looks like that’s all I’m gonna get out of you. Wanna play
a quick game of basketball?”
“Sure just let me change real fast.”
The score was 3-4, Tony was up. We were in the middle of an intense
game of one-on-one when Brian walked up.
“Time out,” I said to Tony. Then I walked over to Brian. He had a confused
look on his face, and his gaze was set on Tony, who was now shooting hoops.
I laughed, “Don’t worry, it’s just Tony, he’s practically my older brother.
No need to be jealous.” His face softened as I was explaining and
his eyes turned to me. 
“I missed you, Carly snyder,” he winked. Then he got down on one knee.
I heard Tony drop the ball and it rolled away. It was my turn to look confused.
“What are you--”
Then he pulled out two small slips of paper.
“Would you like to be my date for the Night of Winter Nights?”
I laughed and nodded yes, the pulled him up and pecked him on the lips.
“You should have seen your face,” he teased.
“Hush, it’s not my fault I thought you were proposing!”
“True, but still, it was pretty funny. I better get going, I have to help with
dinner tonight. I’ll see you at school, beautiful,” then he turned me and pulled me into a hug.
“Until tomorrow,” then I kissed him again, this time a little longer. Brian walked away and  I went back to Tony.
“Well, I have a date for the dance!”
“I guess I’ll be seeing you there.”
He looked down and shuffled his feet, then looked back at me with a grin, “I’m going with your friend, Maria,” he said. 
“Tony you cougar!,” I exclaimed, laughing. 


My Green Eyed Girl 
Chapter 12
So here’s the thing about news. It travels fast. Everyone
knows that. The thing about news in a small town though, is the second it happens, everyone knows about it.
Brian had called my house that morning and asked if he could walk me to school. Of course, I said yes. We held hands the whole way, and
it felt so right. My hand fit exactly into his, and even though it was
a small gesture, it warmed my heart on the 43° morning.
Since most people had driven, they were already inside waiting
for first period to start. When we reached the front doors of WVHS, Brian turned and kissed me briefly on the lips.

“Whatever happens, know that I love you,” he whispered softly.
I took a deep breath, and we pushed through the doors. Walking
down the hallway, there were whispers, snickers, pointed fingers, glares (from Riley’s adoring fans), and a few, very few, smiles
from my friends. When we’d made it to the door of Mrs. Ridley’s
office, all fell silent. Brian and I turned to each other, looked deeply into each other’s eyes, as if searching for hope, and then he pulled the door open, let go of my hand, and left me alone in front of the office. I could have, and probably would have, stood there all day. Thankfully though, I still have a few good friends left. The bell rang, and everyone forgot about the little scene that had just gone down. Some people pushed past me and others suggested that I should move out of their way, and then someone grabbed my arm.

“Oh Carly,” said my good friend, Maria, with a worried look on her face. We met in 5th grade at a tennis camp over the summer. People mistake us for sisters all of the time, we both have long curly hair and our faces are similar. We’d been best friends ever since that summer.
“Come with me,” she instructed, and led me outside to one of the benches lining the front of the school.

“What happened to you?”
Once again, I told my story. By the end, I was balling like a baby and she just held me there. We sat like that for ten minutes, just crying to each other. Finally, the bell rang and it was time to get to class, but first, we headed to the bathroom to get cleaned up.
The whole time, the little girl in me just wanted to hug my daddy…


My Green Eyed Girl 
Chapter 11
The sweet nurse finished taking care of my cut and while she filled
out some papers I took a short nap. She gently woke me up and asked
what had happened. Through my tears, I explained everything. From the
first time Riley had pushed me up  against the lockers to earlier that afternoon when I had walked out of Principal Ridley’s office, I didn’t leave out any details. She asked why I hadn’t reported it the first time, and I said I feared
that Brian wouldn’t be able to stay in West Valley.

“You really like him, don’t you?”
“My father walked out on my mom when I was just in 7th grade. Growing up. he had read me stories about princes and princesses, happily ever afters, and all of the things little girls dream of. When he left, everything I thought I knew about love was warped into misunderstanding. I love my mom and brother, but I’ve tried my best to be independent all of these years. That way, I thought, if something happened to either of them I could still make it on my own. Until Brian came. He broke through all of the walls I had worked so hard to put up. So no, I don’t like him. I love him more than anyone or anything I’ve ever known.”
“Then show him,” said Nurse Renna with a wink.
Confused, I turned and looked in the direction of her gaze. In the doorway stood Brian with his hands in his pockets. I summoned all of my strength, jumped up, and wrapped my arms around him. He  held me there for a few minutes, then whispered, “I love you.”

For the first time, I returned the phrase. I’d never meant anything as much as I did right then.

My Green Eyed Girl 
Chapter 10
Riley and I glanced at each other to see if the other was going to begin
his side of the story first. I saw the fire behind his eyes, his jaw clenched tight.
I cleared my throat and began,

“Principal Ridley, this is all I know. I was meeting with you, and Carly had offered to wait for me because we walk home together every day,” this resulted in a grunt from Riley, but I continued. “I walked out of your office, turned the corner, and saw two people. I looked closer, and I saw Riley pinning Carly against the lockers. She was crying, and he was saying something to her that she obviously didn’t like. I could see Carly had a cut on her face, and looked as if she were about to collapse. I saw Riley begin to pull his arm back in attempt to hit her, and that is when I ran over and did…well this,” then I motioned to Riley.
“I take full responsibility for my actions, and I am prepared to accept the consequences.” At that moment, Riley sprang to his feet, and if the empty chair where Carly had been sitting wasn’t in between us, he probably would’ve gotten to me before Principal Ridley yelled at him to return to his chair.

“This is bullsh**! Bullsh**! You gonna believe him? Look what he did to me! How do you know he didn’t hurt Carly too?” Exclaimed Riley.
“Now Mr. Lawrence, calm down or I will call in Officer Wesley,” warned Mrs. Ridley. I wrapped my fists around the armrest of my chair to restrain myself.
How could he even suggest that I would do this to her?

“Principal Ridley, I love Carly with all my heart. I would go to the end of the earth to protect her. Those cuts and bruises and tears? Those are not my doing.”
Again, Riley jumped out of his chair. This time he attacked me full force, and we began to brawl in the small area between the row of chairs and the large desk. Our principal grabbed the black radio from next to her computer, and shouted, “Officer Wesley, come to my office, immediately!” Within about two minutes, the officer barreled into the room and separated us. He immediately caught wind of the beer in Riley’s mouth and said, “Janet I am going to take this young man to my squad car, will you be able to handle the other?”
“Yes I believe I can, thank you.”
I slumped into my seat, and my eyes welled up.
“Please don’t make me leave Carly, please don’t make me,” I whispered as I ran my hands through my hair.
“It’s already 5:30, report to my office when you arrive at school tomorrow and we will talk over your punishment. Go straight home and stay out of trouble.”
I nodded, and just as I was about to close the door behind me, she said stopped me.

 “Mr. Connors?”
“I believe you.”

My Green Eyed Girl 
Chapter 9
I felt as if my heart were beating right out of my face. The cut from the
locker was throbbing, I could only imagine how terrible it looked.
My back and stomach were tender from the combination knobs.
I felt as if all of the life I had left had been vacuumed out of my body.
I began to tremble, just slightly, as more tears spilled. I slowly walked
to the nurses office. I had barely any energy left by the time I finished
the 15 foot trek. When I pushed open the door, Nurse Renna looked up
from her paperwork, since there are team sports practices after school,
she is required to stay. Her dark brown hair stopped just at her delicate shoulders. Her sapphire scrubs clung to her healthy figure. She looked
about 30, but was probably 36. Above her desk hung pictures of a young
girl, Nurse Renna, and a proud man. Arranged neatly on the desk were
pen cups, papers, a small clock, and a clay cup (clearly handmade)
that stated “To Mommy love Roxy” in crooked letters.

“Oh, sweetie! What happened to you? Here, lay down on the cot. I’ll get
my stuff so I can fix you up.” She rushed to her medicine cabinet and
grabbed cotton swabs, peroxide, and Neosporin. I laid down on the cot as
directed and in as matter of seconds the nurse had gone to work,
taking care of me as my own mother would. While I laid there weeping,
images of my past became unearthed and the painful memories sprang up.

“No, Mommy! He will come back! He said I’m his baby girl! He will come back! He has to! He has to!”
“Carly, honey, he’s gone. Daddy loves you. Never forget that. But he’s gone.”