
Joined: April 20, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 293671
Emily loves you=)
Alyssa. 15. Pretty damn awesome;)


Quotes by saylboat97

I just want your hand to hold.
Excuse me,
I have a girlfriend.
I love her very much.
Stop trying to ruin it.

Dance in the rain.
Escape the day.
Feel the rain on your skin.
Hear the words that they speak to you.
See the life and the pain
Of every drop that lands.
Watch the rain sing
With the pavement.
Keep your eyes open
For a world left unspoken.
Watch the drops as they race towards a
World that is chasing them away.
Keep your hands in the air
And save the words that rain sings.
Watch the rain fall as it turns to puddles
And the sun takes them back home.
Their secret life is one
You'll never know unless
You take time from your day
To dance in the rain.

Raining Suicide

The rain doesn't bother me.
I can stand the cold.
Heartache isn't new to me,
But this is gettng old.
Rain is like tears,
Without the pain.
But if there's no fear,
There' no conquering.
If my tears fell in the rain,
Could you search through the waters,
And find the source of pain?
If I were to die tonight,
I'd touch your lips,
And give you a kiss,
Then do the only other thing I wish.
Look outisde.
It's raining suidcide.
There's a fire inside of me,
That my tears can't put out.
I'm smothered in screams,
And I'm about to drown.
If I dropped a tear in the ocean,
Could you search through the waters,
And see my last motion?
If I were to die tonight,
I'd touch your lips,
And give you a kiss,
Then do the only other thing I wish.
Look outside.
It's raining suicide.
I just can't take the pain.
I'm losing hope,
Like tears in rain.
Look outside.
Tonight I die.
For the rest of my life,
It's raining suicide.
I wrote this.


Take me away. 
 I need the 
sand and the waves,
The sunset, and let's not forget those warm autumn days.
I just need to 
get out of here.

I love you
forever & always


I wish you understood
                     just how scared I am...
But you don't see it,
                            And I'm terrified to show you.

& Maybe we are young,
But we know love.
We were just kids in love.
The summer was full of mistakes we wouldn't learn from. <3