
Joined: October 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 226334

Status: “Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph” -Matt Hardy/
I'm pretty much that nerd in your history class crossed with your best friend, with a strong dose of tell it like it is. I dream of countries you probably didn't know existed and play songs you forgot existed (or lacked knowledge off) in the background. My true loves are film, photography, Doctor Who, and the characters I call my friends My tumblr is: and my Twitter is: @SStupendous

Quotes by seriouslystupendous

I just did my very first client shoot
if anyone wants to see them, you can access them on my site under "Families" and "Little Ones"
Once again, thanks for all the support witty, It really means alot to me






I just asked one of my guy friends if he can have a: 
pretty girl with a horrible personality

or a:
ugly girl with a amazing personality,
Which would he pick?
or a

He picked the hot girl
Anyone else think this is whats wrong?


Hey, I Just Met You, And this is Crazy, ≧◡≦
But Here's My Page Link,
Like it Maybe?

(Sorry guys, but I couldn't resist xD )


Dear Witty,
if one of you is my 60th fan on facebook I'll follow you on witty and twitter, tumblr, ect AND a promo on the site you choose.





I just made a facebook and twitter for it and I'd love it if my witty sisters and brothers would check it out. Once again if you guys follow me on eather accounts, I'll follow you on twitter or witty or instagram, ect. Just Message me which one.

*I know I'm reposting this, but I want to follow more people as well as get more follows so I thought I'd do this again. 

Thanks for everyone who did it before, it really ment alot, if I happend to forget to follow you please message me and I'll do that as soon as I can.


Just updated my site, for those of you who want to see it

*Thanks for everyone who supported my photography this far, I hope you guys stay with me in years to come. 
Once again if you follow me on twitter or facebook (YES I do check if I'm getting followed) I will follow you on witty, facebook, instagram, twitter, ect. But you have to message me or comment below what site and your user name or link of that site.

Thanks again :)


I just made a facebook and twitter for it and I'd love it if my witty sisters and brothers would check it out. Once again if you guys follow me on eather accounts, I'll follow you on twitter or witty or instagram, ect. Just Message me which one.

*I know I'm reposting this, but I want to follow more people as well as get more follows so I thought I'd do this again. 

Thanks for everyone who did it before, it really ment alot, if I happend to forget to follow you please message me and I'll do that as soon as I can.


I wanna do the 365  day photography challenge

I'm afriad I won't improve at all and my photography will just look bad...sorry I just need to vent alittle




Oh! do not attack me with your watch. A watch is always too fast or too slow. I cannot be dictated to by a watch.”.


I Know alot of you are probally getting annoyed with all my posts about my photography,
But, I just made a facebook and twitter for it and I'd love it if my witty sisters and brothers would check it out. Once again if you guys follow me on eather accounts, I'll follow you on twitter or witty or instagram, ect. Just Message me which one.