
Joined: August 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 203389

Hey Guys!!:)

So, I always spend my nights reading ALL the secrets on six billion secrets. I love doing it and a lot of people ask why because they are so sad and depressing. The thing is I can relate to a lot of them and when you get one posted you feel like now everyone knows how you feel. So, some of these secrets are actually mine but most are ones i found on the website

Quotes by sixbillionsecretsreader

is it weird that i cant remember any of my childhood?

-Six billion secrets (mine)

can anyone help me with this???

I used to be bulimic and loved the way I looked.

But I stopped, because I thought it was gross and i could lose weight on my own.

I was wrong...

I'm now as fat as I was before. My mom even called me fat.

I'll be sure to thank you every time i throw up.

Back to being bulimic

(im a 15 year old girl 5'7 and 145lbs)

-Six billion secrets (mine)

Ask for advice


Just talk to me

Or do whatever

I cry every time in the shower; so no one can see my tears.
-Six Billion Secrets
(not mine but i do too)


My secret is hard to tell.
Last night I had a nightmare that a man came into my room and molested me.
I just cried because the thing is....
The man in my nightmare is identical to the picture of my dad in my mom's bedroom.
He's in jail.
Finally.... after 8 years I know why

- Six Billion Secrets

I talked about committing suicide before.
You laughed and told me to stop seeking attention.
Well when i'm gone you're gonna be the reason why.
And trust me i'll leave it in a note so you live with that guilt.

-Six Billion Secrets

Sometimes I lay in the bath and think...
What if I just went under... and that was it.
That'd be the easy way out.

-Six Billion Secrets

I want you back...
The old you.
Who DIDN'T do drugs

- Six Billion Secrets

I don't drink.
I don't drink because that's exactly how my dad died.
He was and alcoholic. So guys, keep calling me lame for not drinking.
I'm not okay with going through hell like my dad did.
I miss you daddy

- Six Billion Secrets

We dared him to jump.
He hit the water a didn't come back up.
You took off saying you didn't want to be responsible.
What you don't know, is that he came up gasping for air.
But, I couldn't reach him on my own.
You left me there to watch him drown

- Six Billion Secrets