
Joined: November 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: June 25
user id: 235022
Location: Wisconsin
Gender: F


favorites. <3


Me&Mommy <3


Me&Kanngieser! <3 favorite senior, miss him already </3


lil brother <3

Quotes by soccergirll23

my boyfriend isn't texting me back:( and he won't say he loves me? only luvs. I'm getting worried..
cool dad..just make me cry, don't listen to me. love you too...
being able to talk to you is the only thing keeping me from crying myself to sleep. 
I'm astounded that I haven't cried yet. I miss you but we can't even be friends anymore. What we did was wrong, but I still want to be able to text you:/
Finding You
part 2
  Darien grabbed his backpack and keys and walked out to the driveway.  He smiled when he saw his shiny green sports car parked in the driveway, rims gleaming in the sunlight.  Darien quickly wove his way through the neighborhood to pick up his best friend, and also the love of his life, Norah.  She didn’t know he was in love with her, but he didn’t know she was also in love with him as well. Darien grinned as Norah got in the car.
  “Hey cutie,” she flirtatiously said as she winked and giggled.
  “Hey babe,” responded Darien, with a far off tone to his voice.
 " Whatchya thinking about?” she asked, “Is it Marian, or Harold?”
  “No, my mom’s doing fine… well as good as she can be with her dying and all. And let’s not talk about that lowlife who doesn’t deserve my mom.”
  “Ohh, okay… what about then? You know you can tell me anything,” Norah pressed Darien for information. 
  “Well, I don’t know, you do have a pretty big mouth… I’m not sure how much I can tell you without the whole school knowing too,” Darien teased.
  “Hey!” Norah playfully hit him and started to pout, “Fine. Don’t tell me!”
  “C’mon Norah. You know I’m kidding. You know I love you.”
  “Prove it. Make it up to me. Tell me what’s on your mind kiddo,” Norah responded.
  Darien glanced over at her. Her long, light brown hair was blowing gently as the air conditioning blew on her, her clear blue eyes sparkling back at him. She gave a tentative smile and Darien immediately knew he could trust her with everything. He turned back towards the road, took a deep breath and decided to let it all out.
  “Well. You know how I’m not sick at all? I don’t take those stupid vitamins like everyone else in the world. I can tell they’re making everyone sicker and killing people.  I don’t believe in them at all. There’s something funky going on with Doctor Graider and I’m aiming to find out.  Where does a billionaire just disappear to? I have a feeling he knows he’s killing everyone and he needs to be stopped. Please, don’t think I’m crazy.  But, if you find any logical reasoning in this, just stop taking those pills. I don’t want to lose you… it’s already too late to get my mom back, and I don’t want to lose both of the women in my life.” Darien took another deep breath and turned to look back at Norah. Her eyes had filled with understanding. 
  “Darien. I haven’t been taking those pills for a few weeks now, ever since I saw you wash yours down the drain that one day when I slept over.  I knew there had to be a good reason for you to be doing it and I knew that you’d tell me in your own time.  I don’t want to lose you either.  I want to help you find Doctor Graider.”
  Darien looked at Norah and grabbed her hand. “We’re in this together?”

{should I start writing stories?}
Finding You
part 1
  It’s the year 2101, and there was no sickness or disease in the world, at least, none that the humans could get.  Everything started in Rake, a small town in Iowa.  There was a doctor living there who goes by the name of Doctor Graider, who invented a daily ‘vitamin’ to stop all sicknesses and diseases from affecting people. 
  However, not everyone believed in this miracle ‘vitamin’, especially not Darien Grey. Darien had always been suspicious of the ‘vitamins’ and believed that they were too good to be true. Every time everyone was scheduled to take a ‘vitamin’, Darien gave his to his dog, Rufus.
 Rufus out-lived everyone else’s dog by 10 years and was still very healthy at the age of 22. One day, Rufus got very sick. He couldn’t even get up off of the floor to eat his dinner.  Darien immediately knew something was very wrong, but before he had a chance to figure out what exactly was going on, Rufus was gone.  Darien had a suspicion that the daily ‘vitamins’ had been Rufus’s undoing.  Sure enough, within a few weeks, all the people in Rake were starting to get sick as well.  Everyone who was sick had all the symptoms of pneumonia; fevers, coughs, sweating, chills, headaches, and chest pains.  But how could this be, with the miracle ‘vitamin’? Doctor Graider put out a public announcement telling everyone not to worry, and that even though this disease had become immune to the ‘vitamin’, he had created a new ‘vitamin’ to combat this super disease.    Pretty soon, everyone all over the world was sick… people in China, India, Egypt, Canada, Brazil… everyone, however, except Darien.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  Darien looked into the mirror, his shining green eyes looking back at him.  He didn’t consider himself to be overly attractive, but judging on all the girls who used to fawn over him, they obviously thought he was pretty handsome.  He ran a hand through his shaggy chestnut colored hair and threw a dark grey t-shirt on. Darien sighed and walked into the kitchen.  He grabbed a glass of water, and six vitamins.  He threw two down the sink and wrapped the other four into his hand and sauntered down the hallway towards his mother’s room.  He knocked on the door and gently swung it open.  “Mom? Are you awake?” he asked softly. 
  Darien’s mom’s eyes fluttered open and she blinked a few times.  “I am now,” she replied as she smiled weakly. 
  Darien took the two extra steps to her bed and sat down lightly.  “Here are your vitamins Mom.” He handed them to her and set the water down on the side table.  She looked so pale and fragile. So sick.  He had explained to her that the vitamins were only making her sicker, but Doctor Graider had brain washed her, just like the rest of them.  She wouldn’t listen to him when he told he the truth, she just thought one day she’d wake up and be perfectly healthy again, but Darien knew better. One day, he’d wake up, and she’d be gone, taken from him forever. 
  “Did you take your vitamins as well?” his mom asked him after she had taken hers.
  “Of course I did Mom. I always do.” That was such a lie and Darien felt terrible for lying to her, but he was the only one in the world that was still healthy.  Well, Doctor Graider was more than likely still fine, but nobody could fine him.  Darien’s bet was that he was hiding out somewhere, collecting and counting all the money of everyone he was scamming. 
  “Sweetie,” His mom said as she slowly and stiffly sat up, “Would you stop by Coroplex before you get to school today? I have a feeling your father forgot his lunch again.”
  “Sure Mom,” Darien replied as he slid a pillow behind his mom’s back and handed her the TV remote. “Make sure you call me if you need anything throughout the day, okay?”
  “Alright dear, I’ll be sure to do that,” she answered as she beckoned him closer to her with a finger.  Darien leaned down and his mother planted a kiss on his cheek.  “Have a good day today,” she said lovingly.
  “I will. Bye Mom, love you” Darien closed the door.  She wouldn’t call him if she needed something.  She didn’t want to be a burden.  She was less of a burden than that lowlife she liked to call him father. Darien gritted his teeth. That douche bag came home every night, ate dinner, left and went out and cheated on his dying wife.  Darien didn’t even refer to him as his dad any more, he called his dad Harold.  He was definitely not stopping by Harold’s work, just to bring him a lunch he probably wouldn’t be eating anyways.

{should I start writing stories?}
it's so wrong, but you make me feel so right.
That awkward moment when the guy you like, likes your best friend, who has a boyfriend, and you're just like "LET ME LOVE YOU"
holding hands with someone during a scary movie.. and then realizing your true feelings for them <3
If you're not a soccer player, you're not my type.