
Joined: October 4, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 55658
i'm hanna(:
and track is my world.

Quotes by soccrkix317

you see that track over there?
the one where she runs  her absolute hardest everyday.
do  you  know  why? cause it gets her mind off things. it
makes  her forget everything that makes her feel bad &
she  just runs  away  from  it  all.  it  gives her the  best
feeling  in  the  world  and  it  changes  her  whole day.
all that i'm after is a life full of laughter;
as long as i'm laughin' with you Y
so i really hope this goes somewhere...
cause  this new guy,  he's ten times  better than you will ever be for  me
it may be just a crush, but it gets my mind off how you hurt me. it may
just be another guy i never get to be with, but i'll guarantee, in the end
nobody can leave me more alone and upset than you did. so right now

i have nothing to lose.
no matter how things seem;
and no matter  what bad things happen, things will
change for the better. it may take long. just have
faith that  things will change. because all in all
everything  always   goes  back  to  the  way  its
----------------------->supposed to be in the end.
just think about it;
tomorrow may  be the  last day of your life.
its  scaru to  think about,  but if you died
tomorrow,  would  you  have done  everything
you've  ever wanted  to do  in your life. or
would  you have  missed  out  on  an amazing
oppurtunity? so  ladies, don't  be afarid to
do  anything. tell  that jerk how you really
like him even though you  wanna rip his head
off. never  be afraid to hide your feelings.
do something fun that you'd be too afraid to
do  otherwise. let  loose  and have  fun. be
yourself  and don't  care about  what anyone
thinks. live  every day  like its  you last.

_____she cry cry cries;
in her lonely heart, thinkin': "if there's nothing missing
in my life, ---...>then why do these tears come at night?"
you'll    neve  leave   where   you   are
until you decide where you'd rather be.

here's to the nightsY
that  turned  into   mornings
&+  the friends  that  turned
__/`-->into family.*

if i could tell you one thing;
guess  it would be  that i love hearing your voice
& your smile just happens to brighten my entire day.