
Joined: November 22, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 135312
-Panic(!) At the Disco

You want to know about me?
I have a pretty boring life~
I fall too
easily and too hard~
I'm fourteen
years young~
 I live for writing, reading, drawing,
piano ~
I believe in what makes
sense ~
attracted to people who are attracted to me ~
If you're not getting answers, ask better questions ~

All we are are memories~

My Tumblr:

hit me up(:


Quotes by somewhereXoutXthere

Did you know 
it's impossible to say 
"Good Eye Might"

without sounding Australian 

fave if you just tried.

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Sorry, I just dropped my bag of Doritos.
Stick and stones may
break her bones 

but names will make her
starve herself
to death

BOY:  does he make you laugh like I did?

GIRL: he doesn't make me cry like you did.

October 2nd- I started therapy
November 19th- I started dating the love of my life
Early January- I started cutting
February 23th- I started eating less and less
March 2nd- I started spending all of class snapping hair ties against my wrist
March 9th- Someone finally noticed.
Do I have to strength to tell her the truth?

Can I get one favorite

to show that someone cares whether I'm alive
or hanging 
in my closet?

 I really hate the expression

"Sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you."

It's not sticks and stones that send me home from school crying, it's words. Words make me

obsessed with how i look, and it's the words that took my innocence, &

Words took my best friend's life, and words are making me consider taking my own.

I'd take sticks and stones over words any day.

&There's no such thing as
too young♥

when second chances wont leave you alone
This is the first year i have a valentine.
i want the day to be absolutely perfect