
Status: i put a condom on my dog's tail C=
Joined: February 12, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 273322
Location: Chicago, IL, USA, North America
Gender: F

Quotes by squirrel690

ask me something im bored
ooor fave this and ill write you a compliment
A to Z Survey

A - Available
yerp :(

B - Best Friends
paige, jasmin, victoria, alexis, julia, juliana, anisha, richard

C - Crush
...shawn :3

D - Dad's Name

E - Easiest Person To Talk To

F - Favorite Band
the beatles

G - Gummy Bears Or Worms

H - Hometown

I - Instrument

J - Job

K - Kids
im 12 for gods sake

L - Longest Car Ride
like lol 9 hours

M - Milk Flavor

N - Number Of Siblings
1 younger bro and 2 older sisters

O - One Wish
infinity more wishes

P - Phobia
the dark

Q - Favorite Quote
no pain, no gain

R - Reason To Smile
my friends

S - Song You Last Heard
the "aint nobody got time for that" song

T - Time You Woke Up
11 am

U - Unknown Fact About Me
...i may not be 100% straight /:

V - Vegetable

W - Worst Habits
snorting accidentally

X - X-Rays You've Had
ankle and foot many times both sides

Y - Your Favorite Food
eggplant parmigiana hero

Z - Zodiac Sign

I am so disapointed in you,


almost 90% of the quotes I see are stolen from tumblr


f o r m a t   j i m m y 3 6 5 

guys? a favoplz?

"I'm Not Insane My Mother

Had Me Tested." on facebook...
go like?

the page profile pic is of Sheldon from The Big Bang


                       Write squirrel690 a letter!
Dear _______________,

I ______ you. You have a nice ______. You make me _______. You should _______. Someday I will ______. You + me = ________. If I saw you now I’d __________. I want to ________ you. I would build a _______ just for you. If I could sing you any song it would be _________. We could __________ under the stars.


(P.S. ______________.)
No one will probably respond but im gonna try it anyway :P
Robbed from Soaring_On_Owls_Wings who robbed it from Eli22b who robbed it from Phillies99 who robbed from BravoSierr who robbed it from AshleyRoseXoXoXo (starting a trend here ;D)
Takes Away Your Social Life, Sleep, and Grades!
Join Now!

the ad i just saw on witty O_O

ASK???? .-.
im so bored right now. can anyone just post random comments? ill reply if i can find words to reply with.

i like to look at the reviews of
really bad games and read just how bad they were for some people.