
Joined: June 23, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 186512

Quote Comments by still_around

still_around 1 decade ago on quote #5233964
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What's up?
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #4079965
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Happy Birthday!
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #4004913
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Honestly I think it depends on the situation and how close you are with your friend. I mean if the kid likes you, you have a right to go out with him if you really like him.. I would just take it slow and see how it goes and try not to rub it in your friends face by talking about him, kissing/ hugging in front of her, etc. But I mean if he dosnt like her why would she wanna ruin your chances of being happy.. I hope that made sence. I think you should go with it, good luck(:
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #3976999
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Lol you can talk to me!
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #3975887
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I think it depends on what your fighting over, but if it's your bestfriend I think it's worth trying to work it out(:
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #3960534
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My bestfriend did that to me too, except I didn't watch it.. I know how awful it is and I am here if you ever need to talk
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #3753478
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Wait.. Too bad your not fat at all.. Your beautiful<3 and if I didn't think so I wouldn't be writing this comment, her guy friend probably thought he was being funny when in reality he was just being an . He probably likes you and tried to get your attention. But honestly your beautiful and you weigh the same as me and in like 5'4 so don't let some guy being you down(:
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #3737856
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My sister says they have it at some colleges!
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #3635247
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I understand where your coming from and like the guy said below like you should dump him but sometimes like you don't wanna do that because you like him so much, I'm probably not really helping but the same thing happened to me and everyone warned me to break it off because we weren't actually dating. But then he turned out liking me. So I think that you should follow your heart and just be careful(:
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #3606423
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over you with my
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #3588599
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #3581867
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #3587384
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #3569814
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Especially if her is.. Your best friend
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #3569682
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #3562797
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im here if you need someone to talk to
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #3553404
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #3533439
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I'm up(:
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #3533411
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Idk I was in the same situation sort of so we like talked about it and he started texting me' during the day and stuff but he still would wanna talk real late at night cuz that's when his parents are like sleeping or whatever, just talk to him about it(:
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still_around 1 decade ago on quote #3527763
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