
Joined: May 30, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 8853
i LoVe AlL mY gIrLs!!! mY qUoTeS wAnT tO kNoW iF yOuR qUoTeS aRe sInGlE. My PeT rOcK dOeSnT lIkE yOu 7o% oF AmErIcAns sAy "I lOve YoU" bUt oNlY 2o% mEaN iT. If yOu aRe pArT oF tHaT 2o% cOpY tHiS iNtO YoUr pRoFiLe iF yOu tHinK fAt jOe Is GoInG tO fAlL oVeR tHe NeXt TiMe He LeAnS bAcK cOpY tHiS iNtO yOuR pRoFiLe If yOu tHiNk tHaT tHe wOrLd wOuLd bE a BeTtEr PlAcE iF tHe KiDs jUsT gAvE tHe RaBiT sOmE dAmN tRiX tHeN cOpY tHiS iNtO yOuR PrOfIlE iF yOu ArE iN lOvE aNd DoNt CaRe WhAt OtHeR pEoPlE tHiNk PuT tHiS iN yOuR pRoFiLe. iF yOuR gOnNa LoSe sOmEoNe ImPoRtAnT oVeR tHe SuMmEr PuT tHiS iN yOuR pRoFiLe and we dance on......

Quotes by strawberybananakiwi

you sign me on <33

get it?? kinda like you turn me on?? *sulks in corner* no ones gonna get it
once apon a time there was a girl who was in love with this one guy. the a better looking guys goes along and asks her out so she dumps the guy she loves. so one night they were talking on the phone about a month after they started going out and as a test she said lie to me. after a few moments of silence he said i love you. that was the end of that. she was crying to hard because she thought she found her knight and shining armor. the next day at school word got around and by lunch everyone had heard that they broke up. during 8th period she was sitting next to her first ex ( hope your following along with this good ) and she made a bet with her best friend that he would answer the question the same way. so she wrote him a note with the question and he wrote back meet me behind the school later. so there he grab her into his arms, kissed her and said i hate you...
Selfish whiners are so lame
Selfish whiners have no game
Selfish whiners try to steal your guys
Selfish whiners have no lives

it did say B* but i said no im probally gonna get kicked off but o well....
Slowly but surely the tan line will fade, but the scar in your heart will last a lifetime.
50% hot
40% flirt
90% funny

100% ME
Life can be like toilet paper sometimes. It can be nice and clean or it can be full of crap.
Life can be like toilet paper sometimes. It can be nice and clean or it can be full of crap.
I want a guy who will set his alarm for 12:00 at night, ride his bike to my ouse and throw rocks at my window until 1.) it brakes 2.) my dad catches him 3.) i wake up
Santa please come early this year
I know you may not love me
I know you may not ever
But in my heart
You'll stay forever