
Joined: June 6, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 111284

sunshineydays123's Favorite Quotes

I just said one word,
and millions of flaws come to mind.
I’m insecure about my looks and my body.
I know I’m not alone in that department.
Most girls and guys are too,
especially in our teenage years.
Comparing ourselves to
every good-looking person we see.
Wishing we had what they have.


Am I The Only Girl,

Who Falls In Love With 

Every Boy Who Notices Me

Smiling can hide so much
If someone smiles it doesn’t mean they’re happy.
Some people hide so much under that smile,
because they’re afraid to show the truth.
The sadness that’s going in their life.
They’re scared to let it all out.
Instead they keep it to themselves;
except it slowly kills them deep inside.
Keeping a bad memory from the past inside you
isn’t healthy.
Just let it all out on someone..


The girl who seemed unbreakable,
The girl who seemed so strong,
The girl who always laughed it off,
The girl who never stopped trying,
finally gave up.

I hate that feeling
The feeling when you’re sad
but you have no idea why.
You just are.
And in your mind, you’re thinking of all the bad things
in your life and apply it to your emotions,
making you even more sad.
Then people ask you what’s wrong
and you have nothing to say.
You end up sitting there, quiet,
while it seems as if everyone, but you,
is happy


I'm a 19 year old boy..
Yet I understand what it's like to be a girl.//

It sounds weird, I know. But I understand that girls go through sh*t that boys couldn't even imagine. I  hate when boys saythat it's harder to be a boy because that's dead f*cking wrong. Girls have so much to worry about from the day they're born, until the day they die, and they are so under appreciated. I also don't understand why bys treat girls with so much disrespect, when a female is the reason he is alive that very moment. A female: his mum, is probably the reason he has food to eat, someone to take him to the docors when he's ill, comfort him when he's sad, keep a roof over his head, pay for his education and much, much more. So why do boys cheat on girls?
Why do boys lie to girls?
Why do boy abuse girls?
Why do boys manipulate girls?
Why do boys use girls?
..I don't know. But I do know that if a girl bleeds once a month, and will one day be carrying my child in her stomach, for 9 months.
        Then she deserves to be treated like a f*cking queen.



                                     Why not be yourself?


Sometimes you don’t notice
who’s really there for you
because you’re too busy
noticing someone
you wish
who was

Everyone has a certain part
in their lives

where they truly wish they could just freeze time.
Whether it was three years ago, today, or still to come.
Whether it was just a moment, a whole day, or a whole summer.
Everyone has a time in their life when they wish
everything would just stop.
The world would stop turning
and people would stop changing because to them,
at that time,
everything was perfect.

Do you ever get that feeling
where you don’t want to talk to anybody?
You don’t want to smile and
you don’t want to fake being happy.
But at the same time you don’t know exactly
what’s wrong either.
There isn’t a way to explain it
to someone who doesn’t already understand.
If you could want anything in the world
it would be to be alone.
At least when you’re alone no one will constantly ask you
what is wrong and there isn’t anyone who won’t take
'I don’t know’ for an answer.
You feel the way you do just because.
You hope the feeling will pass soon
and that you will be able to be yourself again,
but until then all you can do is