
Joined: May 26, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 110144

Quotes by taworwoveswu

You Can Turn Off The Sun
                                But I'm Still Gonna Shine[;

 some say
trust is just a word
but its more
trust is what your life depends on
you need it to survive
everyone has someone to trust&&depend on
to tell them everything && know it will never be leaked
but theres one girl who doesnt</3

i turned around&&tried to detstroy you
but all it does is build you up
&& all you do is try and put me down

ive ignored you
you kept trying
i left you

you kept trying
well congratulations
you finally made me break down & cry</3
sum·mer [suhm-er] -noun

1. time for finding hot guys, getting a tan&&breaking the rules
2. period of time when never in household without a friend or at all
3.season when out of hell&into heaven
4.hot as hell outside
5.time of your life<3
 train wreck>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>life
there's someone to discover why it happened>>>>>>someone to talk to about your problems
there's the reason why the train crashed>>>>>>>>>>>the people causing you issues
there's someone to find out who the bodies are>>>>>someone to figure out your secrets
there's someone that steals passengers belongings>>someone that gossips about what you say
someone to pick up the wreck &fix the train>>>>>someone to pick up the pieces of your heart&fix it<3
duweys law:
everybody loves everybody(;
gotta love that kid<3