
Status: bored?//
Joined: October 27, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: February 12
user id: 373916
Gender: F

took the box from JokerArtist

Quotes by thewonderyears

Me: *gets on bus* omg everyone is watching me and judging me and they're
going to laugh when the bus starts and im not sitting down, omg dont put your
ticket in the wrong way or everyone will judge you and laugh at you
Me: *goes to pay for shopping* omg what if I dont have enough money? *counts money
out 20 times* what if I look stupid, or say the wrong thing? am I standing in the right
spot even? What if someone else wants to get past and im in the way, omg.
Me: *says hey to someone online* omg, they arent replying, holy crap why am I so
annoying? what if they tell their friends how annoying and lame I am? Why am I
like this, holy crap. whyyyyyyy
Me: *meets someone new* What if they dont like me and dont
want me to be around, I shouldnt have met them, im going to be a burden, they're
probably critisizing me right now, why am I the way I am?

Don't paint me black when I used to be golden.
 Attractive  people intimidate me

You only live once so go fuocking nuts