
Joined: July 22, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 198198
I am just ME its a full time job. <3

Quotes by toastedtwinkie

I love Him
Who came to mind reading this?

{Insert quote here about how 2012 is a new year and how this years going to be drama free and }
everythings just going to be peachy even though we all know, its going to be just like last year and the year


before that.

This is for you birthday boy!

He saved our lives, lets celebrate his
Merry Christmas Everyone



Passing this to that cutie in second grade;;


Do you like me?  

 ❑ Yes
  ❑ No

No NoNo

Error;; Attempt to care failed

██   ██  ██ ██  ██ ██       


T h e A w k w a r d M o m e n t

When you see a disturbing website in the recently visited or suggestions on the search bar while on someone elses computer. :P


Me && My Sister;;

We talk like we hate each other

fight like it's to the death.


She doesn't know,

I think she's, beautiful, funny, and smart

I love you Rachel, even though I don't show it.


»Hey I'm a boy«
You wanna see a magic trick?

I'll treat you like I care;;

Then I'll disappear

Being young doesn't mean I'm stupid.