
Joined: January 19, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 656
HeY pEePoS WaSsUpS? AhHa yEeAh...UzE dA qUoTeS i PuT oN hEa IiGhtS cUs thAtS whY I pUt eM oN hEa! nD dOnT gO tInKin yEw cAn TaKe Em WifF oUt GivN meHn SuM CrEdItz! DiS iS gREaTlEe ApPcIeAtEd cAusE iT mAKeS evErryOn33 hAppIes. EscPiLlY mEhn.

Quotes by toxiccrayon08

eventually all the pieces will fall into place
until then you gotta laugh at the confusion
live for the moment -&- know that everything happens for a [ r e a s o n ]
theres nO such thing as"On the lOw"cuz
as sOon as stuff happens--everybOdy knOws
*~ ..If Ur GoNnA TALK -n- HATE..
..CuZ WuT U THINK I Am..
..ChAnCeS R...*I AINT*..~*
i'm not the kind of girl that goes for
"B l I n G b L i N g"
or the kind of girL that goes for
"C h I n G c H i N g"
i'm the kind of girl that likes that
B e U r S e L f T h I n G
*!*!~LiFe TaKeS uR DrEaMz N TuRnZ tHeM uPSiDe dOwN..
FRiEnDz TaLk aBOuT u wHeN uR nOt aROunD.. PpL mAkE PrOMiSeZ tHeY JuSt CaNt KeEp..
N iVe cOmE 2 ReALiZe.TaLk iZ ChEaP..!*!*!~
It- .S.u.C.k.S. [wHeN]
((FiNaLlY)) rEaLiZe..•
°U°• DiD ((SoMeThIn))
¤W r O n G¤ ..
*AnD* -iTs- :lAtE: *tO* ((sAy))
["I'm SoRrY"]
EvErYoNe SeEs WhO i ApPeAr To Be
BuT oNlY a FeW kNo tHe ReAl Me
YoU oNlY sEe WhAt I cHoOsE tO sHoW
tHeRe'S sO mUcH bEhInD mY sMiLe
y o u j u s t d o n t k n o w
neveR say y0u pRomise if iTz jus
gunna geT l0st .. neveR say yOu
swear iiF y0u gOt y0uR fiinGeRz
-c R o S s e D-
* xx ---»* xx ---»* xx ---»* xx
s0metimEs s0me0ne says
something really
*Small* and it just fits
right into this
«--» [e m p t y] «--»
Place In your Heart
* xx ---»* xx ---»* xx ---»* xx
.--Learn From Youre Past, Move On & Grow Stronger)].
.[(..People Are Fake But Let Your Trust Last Longer..)].
.Do What You Have To Do But Always Stay True.
.[( nd Never Let Anyone -----> . . . Get The Best Of You)].
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