
Joined: September 12, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 54715

Okay afore peoples start bitching at me, I have taken quotes from lilmissdramaqueen. I dont put credit at the bottom of quotes or anywhere in them cause it looks tacky.

Quotes by toxicx3love

Neve b afraid  you're  going  to  los guy  because  yo wont  do  somethin sexua l with  him


i said it a million times. i knew i was getting hurt,
but i played it off and acted invincible. even as i said
it, i thought of the tears i was shedding behind closed
doors. i tried to ignore the hurt i caused myself, my
family, my future husband. i didnt even want to
think about god and what he felt watching his daughter
slowly destroying herself.



My heart longs for you .

I smile and laugh a lot, especially at the most inappropriate times. I’m a hopeless romantic. I trip over air, up stairs, and over people’s feet


what will you do the day someone catches you after you trip on your own two feet?

I can’t see how some people can just bash on their ex boyfriends/girlfriends. It doesn’t make sense because you were with the person for a reason, right? Unless you were with them because you hated them? (Highly doubt this). If you really liked the person or maybe, could have been in love the that certain person, you can’t just hate them… well yeah you can, but I don’t see a point in it. Even if they did something bad to you, like cheat on you, lied to you, left you for whatever reason, treated you wrong, & etc. You have to look at bigger picture here. If it wasn’t meant to be then it wasn’t meant to be. In my experience, practically everything that I didn’t want to happen to me, probably did happen to me. Best friends stole my boyfriend(s) *yes more than once, boyfriends cheated on me with another girl, one time it was with multiple girls, and even just randomly left me with no excuse, explanation, or hope that we could of fixed our relationship. Yeah I was mad, but you know, what could I have done? Yeah I cried, I was sad, angry. But there’s nothing much to do besides close that chapter in my life and go write a whole brand new story with someone else. I try to still be civil with my ex boyfriends, and not one bit do I regret what happened to us, because with that, it came with knowledge. It taught me to separate what I want/need in a guy and the don’t-s as well. You can take my advice or not, but know that there’s a reason for everything. There’s no reason to dwell on the past when there’s so much to do for yourself and your future.

She was just another one

''The truth is, I'm not mad at you. I'm just hurt; and the fact that every time your name pops up on my phone or computer, my heart sinks a little bit deeper. You don't realize what you've made me go through; but i can guarantee you're not doing it again. thanks for teaching me just how much it hurts to be played with....learned a lot.

The problem with being just friends

is I have to watch you be with someone who

doesn't deserve you..

Especially when I know I can treat you better

