
Joined: September 24, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 126253

ItS fEliShA
get at me,single here*
is the aim me!
hey,nothing wrongs with facebook

felisha dingley(:
 lkhflbkfglkdgj felishosihfdiohiroffjf[oigjfdff          hjhj

Quotes by tteeheex0x

that awkward moment when..
you bite into your  Kit Kat ,
and theres no loud,
music starting;


h o t t i e s  s a y i n
                  ,h i

h a t e r s  w a v i n 



he said,its okay to c r y"..
--but what he didn't know--
is once i start*****

i cant

you were my strength when i was weak
you were my voice when i couldnt speak
you were my eyes when i couldnt see
you saw the best there was in me
lifted me up when i couldnt reach
you gave me faith cause you believed
im everything i am,
because you loved me

the                purpose                 of                   life                  is..
 t o live life a life with purpose♥

i f e l t m y h e r t s k i p a b e a t ;
&+then i realized

i was staring at you.

dOnTcRy because its 0ver.

smile because it  happened.♥
dsfdsf ...

 i meant what i said,i said what i meant. . .

an elephants faithful,

              ♥  ♥   

an elephants faithful  

.s o m e t i m e s,
                        you need to walk alone
just to show,you can..

yo et