
Joined: July 29, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 118616

today was possibly the greatest day of my life. I found this old wedsite that i could never remember the name of. I always knew i wrote my stories on a website and im so happy i found them! Ive spent the day reading my old stories and laughing at my stupidity and spelling mistakes. And i realized i really enjoy writing stories and i want to write more :) i wrote this right now but i plan on continuing it! Hope you guys enjoy it :)


Quotes by vanessaax3

Playing with my feelings. 

**Yumm, Ella's POV.((:

Obviously there is a story behind it, I hate thinking about it but here’s the story. My brother had a girlfriend and he loved him a lot, maybe too much. He did whatever 
she said.
Umm, she wanted to make love with him, so the loser he is, he agreed not wanted to lose her. He got her pregnant and they went through with the baby. The baby lived but died three days after. My brother went crazy and blamed his girlfriend for everything. He yelled and screamed at her one night and literally beat her. Almost everyone heard about this and we had to leave New York. Now in California he goes to therapy and at times just goes crazy thinking about what happened to him.

Honestly, his girlfriend was a dick and I hated her but I feel bad for what happened to her.
“ELLA!” screamed my brother.
“Get ready douche and no speaking Spanish in this house.”
I looked through my closet and felt like wearing something black. Maybe it was because I was depressed. I wore a pretty plain black dress, with black heels and a red clutch. I put on some makeup, basically eyeliner, mascara, and a little blush. I didn’t want to cake my face with makeup, I’m more the kind of person who likes the natural look. I walked out and saw my brother on a chair waiting for me.
He said, “Go back and change.”
Umm, why?”
“Because I don’t want guys all over you, you are my little sister.”
“Relax yourself Jake, let’s go.”

Playing with my feelings.

I'm obviously starting this but yeahh click thiss-- 

***Ella's POV_cuz.

After I left Carla’s house, I ran back home. I had nowhere else to go.
I ran into my house and went into my room and shut the door hoping no one would notice me.
Then of course, Jake walks in. I stuffed my face into my pillow.
Umm Ella, are you okay?” Jake asked walking closer to me, and then he sat on the side of my bed.
“Yes, just peachy.”I replied with my face still on my pillow.
“Get up.” Jake said picking my face up. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s a long story.”
“I have time.”
Awe I love my brother.
I took a deep breath and told my brother the whole story. When I was done, he just looked at me. I stuffed my face back in my pillow.
“Ugh, get up.”
I sat up straight and said, “What?”
“Okay listen, get over this kid alright. He’s a douche, who will probably never care about your feelings.”
“I guess, but I really liked him.”
“Well, get over it. Ella, get your butt off your bed, we are going to a party tonight.”
“Jake, I’m not really in the mood.”
“You’re coming!”
“Fine, just get out so I can change.”
“Okay, be ready in 30 minutes.”
“Kay, now leave.”
Jake left and I shut the door behind him. I sat back on my bed. I just felt like nothing was going right in my life. We moved here because of what my brother did. People shunned us from everything. It was terrible. I honestly will love him no matter what he does. The truth is he cared too much.


Playing with my feelings.

Scott's POV_cuz it's my choice :D

“You just like electrified me.”
“O God, never mind.”
She reached for them again and touched my stomach and giggled.
“Wow that actually feels good.”
“And you call me the loser.”
“O my gosh, guess what?”
“ I need to talk to you about something.”
“Whatever it is Scott, I’m always here for you.”
I smiled at her and said, “Thanks, but today was kind of a terrible day.”
“Let’s talk about it.” She said as she walked closer to a log and sat down.
She patted the place right next to her on the log and mentioned for me to sit down.
I sat down next to her, sighed and simply said, “Me and Don aren’t friends anymore.”
My face tensed up and I didn’t want to talk anymore.
She knew me so well that she didn’t even ask why, she just gave me a hug. A long one and I really needed it.
“Ok, that’s it.”
“Huh?” I said sitting up straight.
“I’m gonna be your new guy bestfriend.”
“Because, I’m bored.”
“Fine, but don’t get mad when I talk about girls and their racks.”
“Nah man, nah nah. I’m mad chill.” she said in a deep guy-ish voice.
We both started laughing. Then she got up.
She said, “Okay, get up lazy pants.”
“Where we going?”
“Man, we’re heading to the clubs to scope out the hot girls.” She said in her deep voice.
“Ok first, stop that voice and second nah, I like sitting here chilling with you.”
“Awe, but no. At least let’s go back to the others; it’s freaking me out being alone in the darkness.”
“Don’t worry. I have a six pack, I’ll protect you.” I said in a deeper voice.
Then we both started laughing and headed back to the party.

Playing with my feelings.

boom boom.♥ Ella's POV.

He picked me up and threw me on Carla’s bed and sat on top of me.
“Get off!!! That hurts!” I screamed
“Never.” He said smiling, and then he looked at me and kissed me for, what seemed to feel like, forever.
When he pulled away I was trying to catch my breath. I smiled at him then with all my force pushed him off, got up and straightened out my clothes.
I turned to Scott and said, “I maybe small but I am strong.”
He just laughed.
I couldn’t take it anymore.
“Oh my gosh. No.” I screamed.
“Baby what’s wrong?” Scott asked
….Me and Don…” I started saying.
“Yeah babe? You and Don… what?”
 I ran into Carla’s closet [which is huge by the way] and closed the door the closet had and said, “…Kissed.”
I closed my eyes. I was about to cry. I thought I was gonna hear Scoot yelling at me but I didn’t. There was just silence. I slowly opened the door. I saw Scott with his hands hiding his face.
I came out of the closet and went up to Scott and took his eyes off his face.
“I’m sorry.” I said about to cry.
“Please just leave me alone.”
 “Please, just leave.”
I didn’t know what else to do. I just left. God I’m an idiot.