
Joined: August 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 206940

Quotes by volleyballgurl98

I love those moments during everday conversation where I find the perfect moment to use a witty quote and I end up sounding like I can make up kick a** comebacks on the spot when in reality I've been waiting months to use it.
Seeing all of your old friends you haven't seen in 3 months...
Seeing all of your friends you haven't seen in 3 days...

Meeting new friends..
The new hot guys...

Wearing that kick a** outfit on the first day...
Comparing tans with all your friends...

Finding out whose in all your new classes...
All the lunch food that you missed so dearly....

Glancing at the guy you like all the time in the hallway...
All of those Friday night football games...


The 32898439 syllabus's that you forget to get your parents to sign...
Loads of homework that you won't get done until the morning before it's due...

Stressing over what to wear because your new dress code leaves you with one shirt from your whole wardrobe.
Freezing your a** off because your not allowed to wear hoodies...

Waking up before the rooster that is supposed to wake up everyone like on tv....
The sound of your alarm at 5:30 that makes you want to smash in a wall...

Your mom yelling at you that your going to be late if you don't get going...
Spending an hour doing your hair and makeup everyday leaving you no time to eat...

Starving in all those classes where the teacher watches you like a hawk...
Strategically planning everydays outfit because your school is too poor to get uniforms but can afford the most ridiculous dress code of all time...

Your hair getting all messed up in the wind because metal headbands are a weapon...
Leaving your house at 7 am and getting back at 7pm just to remember you have 93849 pages of homework to be done, not to mention showering, eating, facebook, and getting ready to do it all over again tomorrow...

Not being able to check your phone whenever you please...
Dealing with all of those annoying b!+ch3s that you avoided all summer long...

Jealously watching the popular girls easily talk to the hottest guy in school...
Wishing you had all the teachers you had last year because you realize how screwed you are this year...

Filling out a ton of get to know you forms on the first day...
Being late to class because the "gangstas" at the school walk like turtles...

Not being able to open your locker because some senior jammed it as a prank and no one ever fixed it over the summer...
Awkwardly walking into lunch for the first time having no idea where to go...

Seeing how white you are compared to all the girls that fake bake...
Realizing how many more new clothes you should of gotten over the summer after seeing all the snotty girls with their coach purses and designer shoes...

Trying to be the nicest person you can to all of the lost freshman, but blowing up on them anyway because they are completely clueless as to wear they are going...
Avoiding the food being thrown from across the lunch room...
Driving to school in the dark and come darn near close to dying because your still half asleep...

Realizing how boring of a summer you had after you hear about all of your friends trips to the Bahamas, the Caribbean, Hawaii, and Paris...
Knowing that you'd be at home sleeping even though your already in 4th period...

Wishing you were at home on witty instead of pretending to copy notes in history...

Yeah somehow I'm just not excited for this school year..... Just me?

And who else loves it when you spend 3 days waiting for him to talk to you because you don't want to be annoying and start the conversation first, but then he finally texts you and you feel like the coolest person ever? just me? <3
Fav This if your a champ who still hasn't started their summer projects yet!   <3  Or is that just me?

That Awkward Moment When

You realize theres only 11 days of summer left and you still haven't started your summer projects.

That Awkward Moment When

You think you came up with a kick a*s quote but it only gets like 4 faves... And then your just thinking, dang tough crowd.
And you know we all have that witty account that ALL our friends know about, and then we all have that witty account that no one knows about so you can make some really intense quotes without worrying about if someone from your school might see it<333
I love how just one facebook conversation with him somehow changes my whole day, and in a good way.

love the rhymeee! hehe
Boy comments on girls picture: Your ugly.
Girl comments back: I think you spelled theprettiestgirlever wrong?
Boy comments: I think you spelled concietedb*tch wrong?
Girl: -______-

*There obviously meant to be.

That Awkward Moment

When you see someone you want to avoid at the store so you run around like a ninja trying to avoid them. But then you get home to a text from them saying "Hey! I saw you at the store earlier!" Ninja skills= Fail. -______-