
Joined: March 30, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 5245
Heeeey! My name is alexa and i got blonde hair and hazel eyes..um im about 5'4

Quotes by wild1sweet1

sOrRy yOu cAn't DefIn3 m3, SoRrY i Br3aK dA' mOlD, SoRRy tHat i sP3aK mY MiND, SoRrY i doNt Do WaT' iM toLD, sORrY if I dONt' fAk3 iT, SorRy i COmE SoO r3aL i wILl nEvA hiDe WhaT i fEEl!
x-lThEy SaY BeFoRe YoU dIel-x
YoUr WhOle LiFe FlAsHeS bEfOrE u
x-l.MaKe It WoRtH WaTcHiNg.l-x
iT TaKeS 3 SeCoNdS To SaY i LuV You,
3 HoUrS To ExPlaiN iT
AnD FoReVeR To PrOvE iT
* Imperfections are not a factor * Loving you is what I do best * summer days filled With laughter * lonG nights I capture my Rest * having a reason to Wake up eaCh day * makes me the person that I`m tOday * Knowing that we love to be together * Fills a place in my heart Saying Hold on f o r e v e r * You're not Perfect, But perfect To Me * Your every thing I want and the * Best * You can bE!
And if you died right now...
...I would die too.
You don't know how much,
I really need you.
And if you cried right now...
...I would cry too.
You don't know how much,
I really love you.
Aww now i feel all warm n fuzzy inside... but then again.. i just ate a live squirrel!
If I could give you one gift,
I would give you the ability to
see yourself as I see you,
so you could see how
truly special you are.
I'm not completely away...
look out your window.
I'm out like a blind kid in hide-and-go-seek...