
Joined: March 30, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 5245
Heeeey! My name is alexa and i got blonde hair and hazel eyes..um im about 5'4

Quotes by wild1sweet1

I'm taking a shower right now, hoping it will solve the whole people running away from me thing. :-\
nOt eVeN SiStErS hAvE tHe bONd wE gOt
wE iN iT tOgEtHeR & wE aiNt gUnNa stOp
mY siSta -mY hEaRt- mY bEtTa hALf
ALeXa w/0 MeRe? CaNt EvEn PiCtUrE dAt
Our love is like McDonalds...im lovin it
True friends are the people that are there for you u n c o n d i t i o n a l l y. They are the people that -n-e-v-e-r- question you and support you n o m a t t e r what the circumstances are. They are the p e o p l e - w o r t h . l . i . v . i . n . g . f o r -
We are all a little weird and life's a little weird and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them & fall in mutual *w e i r d n e s s* and call it love. Guess What? - i have found my weirdo!
Yea, I know, life sucks . . . but it DOES guarantee a trip around the sun every 365 days :-)
your my first * R e a l * l o v E *
the kind that only happens once
tHe kind that lasts -f.o.r.e.v.e.r-
the Couple that [e][v][e][r][y]One
Looks at n says
"* t h e Y `r e * P e R f E c T *"
i found myself when i found you..
Life is too short so
kiss slowly love deeply forgive quickly
and forget the past just not what it *taught* you
iVe hEaRd the sPeEcH a MiLLioN TiMeZ before
"you cAn dO bEtTer...you dEsErVe mOrE"
i gEt mYsELf SicK oVer iT because i kNo iTs tRue
bUt i dont wAnT bEtTer
i jUst wAnT *You*