
Joined: April 5, 2006
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 35952

Quotes by x0LuVvx0

boy: will you please go out wit me?
girl: why?
boy: cause i love you


boy:u should go out wit me

girl:no i shouldnt


girl:cause we already broke up 3 times. . dont u think thats enough?

boy:yea but i dont want to brake up again

boy:i want to be wit you

real converstaions <33
ii ThOuGhT ii WoULd LeAvE Da DrAmA At ScHooL BuT iiT FoLLoWeD Me EvErYwHeRe ALL SuMMeR
cause ii really dont feel tha way ii once felt about you

feel-light blue and bold
once felt-light blue and underlined
you-italics && bold
make tha rest black and impact size 10
when your going out you think about him all day long..
&& when you breakup you cry when you hear that one song...

editz: going out-bold & pink
breakup-italics & blue
LUVV-bold underlined & pink
with muh grlz all day
wit muh boyz by night
summa '06 is gunna be outta sight
i luvved you soo much..
you said you luvved me more..
then why did you cheat on me??
i loved you at one point,
i love you still,
i always have,
and i always will.
i dont know how i could,
u brought tears to my eyes,
what you did hurt me,
and made me cry.
i was warned,
i should have listened to my friend,
i loved you so much,
i just thought it would never end...
be true
be real
dont hide it
tell me how u feel <33

*make true bold,put real in italics,underline feel.
make true, real, and feel pink and the rest black.
It WoUlD hAvE WeRkEd oUt BeTweeN uS iiF u WeRnT aLwAyS wiiT uR BoYfRiEnD!!!

dedicated to my friend!!
her boyfriend never wanted to be with her bc he was havin 2 much fun with his best friend (boyfriend as we joke around nd say)
I gotta let you know
i feel so weak without your touch