
Joined: July 26, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 11934
xO/*(WhY tRy To F I T in WhEn *yOu* wErE bOrN tO S-T-A-N-D-O-U-T)*\Ox *Made iT* -+-ThatS muH qOutE [Fav One 2]-+- -----------*ApRiL*----------- ILysM *Anie*Ri*Carly*Lia* ^^BfFl^^ I dUnNO wAt i WoUlD dO wItHout yOu.

Quotes by x0x0z

Did YOU nO thAt The CoLoR pInk iS a CoLoR?

Me EiThEr

*MakE piNk the cOlR pInK anD PuT teh 1st cOlOrs IN dIffERbT cOllOrs LikE eACh LetTeR

DidnT MakE iT!!


<3* April

ThOUght iT waS fuNNy when My friend saw a PlanE and she said that

(LuV ya <3 AprIL)
Everbody's got their own life philosophy

And I can't wait 'till I

find one coming to me

-RaChAel YaMaGaTa

hint:top line:magenta
2nd line:lite pink
3rd line:dark pink
4th line:dark purple
At sCh0Ol.. wHeRE r u?¿

The Dirty Lookz - The Jealous Stares
..The Best Part Is..
Y o u T h i n k I C a r e

<3*aLwAyz ApRiL*<3
*Me *N*Mah gIrLs ArE... mInD sHoCK'N bOdY rOcKiN eArTh ShAkIn MoNeY mAkIn SiTtIn HiGh LoOkIn FLy hEaD tUrNiN StOmAcH cHuRnIn BoRn WiLd nAuGhTy cHiLd cHiLl GiViN cRaZy LiViN kInDa HotTiEs...


Cute With balck bacround and baby blue writting
fint* 8 comic sans MS
wen u start to miss
me remember it was
you who let me go
cinderella said tO snOw white
hOw dOes lOve get O Off course
all i wanted was a white knight
with a good heart sOft tOuch
fast hOrse .. ride me Off intO
the sunset baby im fOrever yOurs
bOy yOu gOt me trippen my tears dOnt stOp drippen
everytime i see yOu my heart keeps on rippin
yOu leaned Over and yOu kissed me
I felt my knees gO weak
yOu leaned Over and yOu kissed me
I couldn't even speak
yOu leaned Over and yOu kissed me
With a passiOn flOwing free
yOu leaned Over and yOu kissed me
Sparks flew that we cOuld see
yOu leaned Over and yOu kissed me
A tOuch sO sOft and tender
yOu leaned Over and yOu kissed me
A kiss I wOuld remember
yOu leaned Over and yOu kissed me
I'm sure I kissed yOu back
yOu leaned Over and yOu kissed me
With the fire nO kiss shOuld lack
yOu leaned Over and yOu kissed me
yOu left me wanting mOre
yOu leaned Over and yOu kissed me
My sOul yOu did explOre
yOu leaned Over and yOu kissed me
My heart nO lOnger full Of pain
yOu leaned Over and yOu kissed me
sO please, kiss me Once again