
Joined: April 6, 2005
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 22903

Quotes by x3jennifer

WeLl I qUeSz Im TrYiNq To Be NoChAlAnT aBoUt It. & i`M
qOiNq To [x-treme`s] tO pRoVe Im FiNe WiThOuT yOu. //
BuT iN rEaLiTy I`m sLoWly loOsInG mY mInD UnDeRnEaTh
a DiSqUiSe Of A sMiLe. GrAdUaLlY, i`M dYiNq InSiDe -<|3-
FrIeNdS aSk Me HoW i FeEl. & I lIe CoNvInCiNqLy. CaUsE
I DoN`t WaNt To ReVeAl ThE fAcT ThAt I`m SuFfErInG //
sO i WeAr My DiSqUiSe. TiLl I qO hOmE @ nIqHt. & tUrN*
dOwN aLl ThE lIqHtSz. & ThEn I bReAk DoWn & cRy.

mariah carey. - breakdown
you had me so drunk i couldn't walk
so high i wus about to cry. so in
love i felt higher than a dove so
into you i unted to kall you mi bo0o
when i first layed eyes on you.
i knew you were different then
the rest. hung out every day &
i was fallinq for you. you made
me feel so special. and i never
want that feeling to go away.&
i hope its safe to say you feel
the same way.
there's always qoinq to be those days
when i just sit and think about the past
and the summer romance. and i know the
one person i think of will be you. do
you ever think about me to? you used me
and then left me out in the cold. came
back with out no warning . just when i
started to foget. hurt me again. and ..
then i realized. i`ll never be over you
i`ll think of you forever. because you.
you will always be in my heart.
you came into my life.
left with out a word.
you took something ill
never get back. i wish
i never gave it to you
it hurt's so much to
cry i never wunted to
say go0odbye
RuFf EnDsZ iF i WaS tHe OnE <3

i sEe ThE wAy He TrEaTs YoU
I fEeL tHe TeArS yOu CrY*..
aNd iT mAkEs Me SaD.& iT <3
MaKeSz Me MaDd. ThErEsZ nO-
tHiNg I kAn Do BaBy

cAuSe YoUr LoVeR iS mY bEsT fRiEnD
aNd I gUeSs ThAtS wErE tHe StOrY*..
eNdsZ. sO iVe gOtAh TrY. To KeEp It
iNsIdE., yOu'Ll nEvEr Be. NeVeR bE*
MiNe -<|3

bUt If I wAs ThE oNe WhO wAS LoViNg
YoU bAbY tHe OnLy TeArS YoU'd CrY*/
wOuLd Be TeArS oF jOy. AnD iF i WaS
bY yOuR sIdE .YoU'd NeVeR kNo OnE .
LoNeLy NiGhT*

aNd If It WaS mY aRmS yOu WeRe RuNnInG tO
iD gIve YoU lOvE iN tHeSe ArMs Of MiNe,If
I wAs ThE oNe In yOuR lIfE<3

If I cOuLd HaVe JuSt OnE wIsH
Id WiSh ThAt YoU wErE mInE.I
wOuLd hOlD yOu NeAr kIsS aWeY
tHoSe tEaRs Id Be So GoOd tO
yOu bAbY*

YoUrE tHe OnE I wAnT nExT tO mE
BuT I gUeSz ThAtS jUsT nOt MenT
tO bE hEs ThErE In yOuR lIfE aNd
hEsZ sHaRiNg yOuR nIgHtS. yOu <3
wIlL neVeR bE NeVeR bE rIgHt

I wAnA rEaCh OuT aNd FeEl YoU
bEsIdE mE RiGhT hErE bEsIdE mE
bAbE. TakE yOu In My ArMs RiGhT
nOw// sCrEaM // i LoVe YoU rIgHt
OuT lOuD

sOmEdAY i PrAy ThAt IlL fInD tHe StReNgTh
tO tUrN tO YoU And SeY