
Joined: March 10, 2005
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 21773
uhh im kriss and yeahhhhhhh my myspace is www.myspace.com/fraigletearsx

Quotes by x3sexCQt4evax3

Today I told you I loved you
Is it Okay if i take that back?
i learned one thing from all that u did
i learned one thing from all the things u said
i learned one thing from all that u pretended
--> it was w-o-r-t-h the truth in the end <--
iM a BrOkEn pHoTogRaPh
tHaT iS tOrN, CrUmBlEd,
aNd rIpPeD iNtO a PiLe oF
sHaTtErEd GlAsS,
bEcAuSe wEn I tOoK mY
--> [[ o-n-e c-h-a-n-c-e ]] <--
yOu ReJeCtEd
iT aNd
i WiSh YoUu WeRe A ScReEn DoOr So i CaN bAnG yOuU!!
aRe YoUu TiReD cUz YoUvE bEeN rUnNiN tHrU mI mInD aLl DaY
its [[a m a z i n g]] how i can spend
*every* day *every* minute with my [[g i r l s]]
and never be sick of them--dedicated
<--iM JuSt YoUr [[AvErAgE]] dIaStEr
ThAtZ wAiTiNg To [[CrUmBlE]]-->
yOuU mAkE mE mElT LiKe a PoPsIcLe iN tHe FrEeZiN wInTeR
yOuU mAkE mE fReEzE LiKe iCe fRoM aNtArTiCa iN tHe SuMmA
yOuU mAkE mE cRy wHeN iM hAvInG tHe BeSt DaY eVeR
yOuU mAkE mE sMiLe wHeN iM dEpReSsEd aNd MiSrAbLe
ii CaNt FiGuRe oUt WhAt iT iS aBoUt YoUu
ThAt mAkEs Me FeLl So DiFfErEnt**